Our Business is Fun - ACE054.8

1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.8.

TitleOur Business is Fun - ACE054.8

Fowle checking completed design; dismantling the individual panels. He describes first going to the Lakin’s decorating shop. Fowle and Hall relate an anecdote about George Hancock, the foreman, who once played a practical joke on Fowle. The fairground ride with its newly completed decoration. Credits.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5929/our-business-is-fun-ace054-8

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Our Business is Fun - ACE054.2
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.2.

Our Business is Fun - ACE054.3
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.3.

Our Business is Fun - ACE054.4
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.4.

Our Business is Fun - ACE054.5
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.5.

Our Business is Fun - ACE054.6
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.6.

Our Business is Fun - ACE054.7
1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.7.

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