Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3

1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3.

TitleSeeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3

Kitchen scenes. Voices of Circles’s founders, Davis, Tina Keane, Annabel Nicolson, Lis Rhodes, Sparrow. Discussion of how women can work outside the mainstream, but how their work is often more fragmented. Keane VO discussing her move from painting (work shown) to performance (photographs of her work). Film of Keane and her daughter Emily looking at a display of her video piece, Dialogue. Keane talking about using Super-8 on Shadow of a Journey (1980), filmed on the ferry between Skye and Harris. Excerpt with the voice of Peggie Morrison on the soundtrack, singing and talking about the Clearances. Keane talking about the background to her film Hey Mack (1982). Excerpt with Disband on the soundtrack. Keane in discussion group talking about the importance of the "language" of women’s work. One of the speakers in the discussion is film-maker Lezli-An Barrett.

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Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6.

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