Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5

1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5.

TitleSeeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5

Davis with photographs she took in preparation for her film Often During the Day (1979). Talks about finishing the film at the same time as she was looking after her new baby. Excerpts from the film. VOs of Davis and Rhodes. Davis and Rhodes reading texts to do with women and employment, and with the consequences of the 1850 Act of Parliament which decreed that masculine words in legislation should be taken to include females. Rhodes talking about women’s writing; excerpt from her films Light Reading (1978), and Pictures on Pink Paper (1982).

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Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6.

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