Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4

1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4.

TitleSeeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.4

Annabel Nicolson talking about her film-making in which she works directly with the film itself, sticking other pieces of film onto it, drawing on it, sewing parts of it together, and moving the film by hand while it’s passing through the contact printer. Excerpt from Slides I-IV (1971) Nicolson shows the wooden camera she made. Photographs of Nicolson in some of her performance pieces. Nicolson describing factors forming part of the development of a new performance work. Shown in this new work about a woman she’d seen singing at Greenham Common. Nicolson introducing a film she made about Greenham Common. Excerpt from film. Film of women lying down on a pedestrian crossing near the Stock Exchange (1984), designed as a record of the non-violent protest but which later proved useful in court. Sparrow speaking in discussion group on the nature of women-only events. Nicolson also speaks.

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Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.2.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.3.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.5.

Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6
1983. Seeing for Ourselves. Women working with film - ACE133.6.

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