Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2

1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2.

TitleBen Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2

Patrick Heron, Felicitas Vogler, Leslie Martin, Andras Kalman, and Angela Verren each reminisce about Ben Nicholson whom Heron claims "was the greatest English painter since Turner". Photographs of Ben Nicholson at various stages of his life. John Read VO says that Nicholson has been called "the man who re-drew the map of English painting" and says that the events leading up to this were witnessed by his father, Herbert Read. Cover of edition of Axis from 1935. Page from magazine showing Nicholson’s Carved Relief in White (1935). He "changed the whole idea of what painting should be"; commentary reads from Axis article by H. Read, explaining different techniques employed: landscapes, a collage, paintings. A photograph of Nicholson carving out shapes in wood. White Relief (1936). A sculpture in gardens. Biographical information – photographs of his parents, both of whom were artists, Sir William Nicholson and Mabel Pryde; Ben Nicholson portrait by his mother (c.1910-1914). Leslie Martin points out that Nicholson was born into the art world – family group by Sir William Orpen (A Bloomsbury Family, 1907). Photograph of Nicholson. Kalman talking about Nicholson balancing being an "English gentleman" as well as a member of the avant-garde and supporter of the modern movement. He believes Nicholson reacted against his father’s work. Painting by William Nicholson; Mushrooms (1940). Some still life paintings with Ben Nicholson’s words over on what he learned from his father. Collection of goblets, bottles, jugs, which Nicholson inherited from his father and claimed influenced his move to abstract art. Various works incorporating images of some of these.

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Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8.

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