Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5

1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5.

TitleBen Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5

Views of St Ives, where Nicholson, Hepworth, and their children, went to live; Nicholson quoted over. Landscape: commentary says that this, "the nature of the light, the colours, the textures, and the sense of space were especially exciting to the modern artists who moved down there". Patrick Heron talks about the importance of environment to the artist, particularly of West Cornwall to the mid-twentieth century artist. Nicholson’s studio showing lighting and notes he made. Heron shows some of the items he found there, including the compasses he used to draw his circular shapes.
Early painting of St Ives bay; sketch of similar view with foreshortened perspective. Photograph of Alfred Wallis; his cottage. Painting by Wallis; Heron talking about Wallis’s work, its relevance to contemporary artists, and Nicholson’s attraction to it. Schooner, Fishing Boat and Lighthouse. Heron relates anecdote concerning Nicholson’s attitude to his work.

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Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8.

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