Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4

1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4.

TitleBen Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.4

Photograph of Mondrian’s studio; Nicholson’s memories, particularly of the artist’s "silences" over. Mondrian’s Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue (1921). Maxwell Fry’s Sun House (1935) and Lawn Road Flats (1934) by Wells Coates, both buildings of the Modern movement, in Hampstead. Cover of Circle - International Survey Of Constructive Art (1937); co-editor Leslie Martin says that they believed in "some kind of parallel between developments in painting, sculpture, architecture, science too" and hoped to put this kind of "positive, Constructive" work together in a single publication which would "speak for itself". Nicholson quoted, "We’ve got to get rid of the degenerate idea that painting is something to be made on a four-square stretched canvas…" over abstract; black and white reproduction of 1939-44 (painted relief) (1939-1944); another relief. Nicholson quoted, saying that "it’s passion, not patience…" which produces art; photograph of him at work. Martin describes going to an exhibition of contemporary art in the mid-1930s, and seeing three painted reliefs by Nicholson; he explains why he likes the painting he subsequently bought (shown). Similar painting; commentary says Nicholson "began to reintroduce colour" to his work, "refusing to restrict his artistic freedom by any kind of formal theory". Commentary quotes Winifred Nicholson on "the nature of abstract colour" over more abstracts; details. June 1937 (painting) (1937). Felicitas Vogler says that Nicholson liked soft, pastel colours: 1938 (painting - version 1). Commentary says that the artists of the Modern movement dispersed on the advent of war, and the movement itself was "virtually at an end".

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Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.2.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.3.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.5.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.6.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.7.

Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8
1985. Ben Nicholson 1894-1982 - ACE151.8.

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