Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2

1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2.

TitleBlue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2

Hugh Masekela playing trumpet intercut with newspaper headline and photograph of
black woman being led away by white policeman. Pinise Saul saying that "it’s a struggle to be in exile". Masekela. Louis Moholo finds it "very hard to cope" Morris Goldberg with Hugh Masekela’s band. Hugh Masekela saying that "no amount of success can be significant to you" when you consider the living conditions of black people in South Africa. Saxophonist. Photo of Nelson Mandela after his release from prison. Masekela. Mervyn Africa, exiled 1981, on how different it is not to be subject to restrictions on who he could play with. Pinise Saul, exiled 1975, speaks about lack of opportunity in South Africa. Saul singing, Ntiylo Ntiylo with Africa on piano. Music continues over shots of signs for "Whites only", and "Non-Europeans only". Peggy Phango, exiled 1961, says she gave up nursing after having to watch a white woman bleed to death because, being black, she wasn’t allowed to touch her. Photograph of her on stage. Louis Moholo, exiled 1964, talking about his move from Cape Town to Johannesburg.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.10.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.11.

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