Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.7

1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.7.

TitleBlue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.7

Photographs: Miriam Makeba, Nelson Mandela before imprisonment in 1964, prison van, Makeba. Makeba singing over. Masekela talking about Makeba and how she "opened a window" for outsiders to learn about South Africa. Actuality footage of Makeba speaking at the United Nations in 1964 about apartheid. Masekela talking about how the exiles joined each other in London. VO photographs of Sharpeville, a sign saying "any kaffir trespassing will be shot". Photographs of street scene. Mervyn Africa talking talking about being from District 6, Cape Town, and how his music is influenced by what he heard in its Malay quarter. Photographs of District 6. Africa playing piano; talking about District 6 being a mixed culture which escaped Apartheid for a time; photographs. Film of storm brewing. The Mervyn Africa Quintet playing Rise and Shine. Poster for Ipi-Tombi, and photos of performance. Pinise Saul describes this as her "getaway" from South Africa. Pinise Saul, exiled 1975, talks about how the cast were instructed not to talk to exiles in London, "especially the ANC", but when the riots started, some members picketed SA house; intercut with news article and photographs from Soweto (June 1976).

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Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2
1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2.

Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.3
1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.3.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.8.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.9.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.10.

Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.11
1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.11.

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