Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.3

1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.3.

TitleBlue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.3

Phango talking about the rough conditions in Alexander township. Phango’s VO over film of Kings Theatre in Alexander, on the perils of being accosted by a local gangster. Moholo talking about life in Sophiatown. Photograph of woman defending herself; photographs of musicians. Moholo speaking about his musical experiences in Johannesburg – he was lucky enough to play with musicians like Kippie Moketse. Interview with Phango, intercut with photographs of people dancing and musicians, on growing up as a city dweller and wanting to break away from the traditional ways of their parents; a lack of tribal rivalry; being able to sing but not talk about their lives. Coming to England with King Kong, Newsreel item: exterior London’s Princes Theatre [February 23, 1961], for opening of King Kong. Cast presentation to Princess Margaret: Phango and Nathan "Dambuza" Mdledle, Joe Mogotsi. Phango VO. Interview with Phango, intercut with photo of Mdledle, Mogotsi, Rufus Khoza and Ronnie Majola Sehume singing as the Manhattan Brothers, and 16: photographs of the King Kong production (sound recording over). Interview with Moholo, intercut with photographs – his "comrades", the Chordettes, people dancing, township, musicians, singers. He talks about the dance music they played, the "Sunday clothes" worn in these photos, helping people whose homes they stayed in.

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Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2
1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.2.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.10.

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1991. Blue Notes and Exiled Voices - ACE242.11.

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