Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3

1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3.

TitleFrantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3

Military cemetery; Paris. Fanon saying "you must understand, dear boy, colour prejudice means absolutely nothing to me". Joby Fanon on Fanon suggesting that psychiatry can help liberate people from their madness. Fanon actor with further quotations about lack of colour prejudice. Joby Fanon relates how a psychiatric patient refused to let Fanon touch her because he was black. Fanon actor and the response to this from a white doctor. Joby Fanon telling how someone described Fanon as having fireworks outside and fireworks inside. Fanon actor says he found himself an object amongst other objects. VO continues over footage of household objects put onto pavement by firemen; Sartre and De Beauvoir in street. Fanon actor on colour prejudice. Grinning "negro" model advertising toothpaste. Vergès on the writing of Peau noire masques blancs (1952), which Fanon wanted to be his thesis for his medical doctorate. Hall on Fanon’s sudden understanding of the reality of racism which fractures the persona he’s built up for himself, the white mask. Fanon actor "all around me [there’s] a whiteness that burns". The original title of the book was Essaye pour la dis-alienation de Noir / Essay for the Dis-alienation of the Black. Vergès on the "threat" of the black man. Hall on the sexualised nature of "the look", discussed for the first time by Fanon. Racism is the denial of the realisation that the white "looker" is attracted to the black "object".

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Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4.

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1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5.

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1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.6.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7.

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