Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7

1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7.

TitleFrantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7

Harbi says that many people like himself did not approve of Fanon’s "veil" writing, not least because maquis women were discriminated against. Film extracts. Fanon became the mouthpiece by which a patriarchal society was able to present itself as progressive. Hall’s VO says Fanon didn’t recognise the religious nature of Algerian culture, which eventually took its revenge on the revolution itself. Words of Simone de Beauvoir describing Fanon’s illness. Daniel Boukman, poet and playwright, on being drafted at the age of 25 but refused military service. Film of De Gaulle saying that all French soldiers must obey him. Boukman says Fanon’s writings legitimised the actions of the handful of draft objectors, and that he was a revolutionary to the very end. Joby Fanon tries to read a letter from Fanon he received after his death but is too emotional. Reconstructed funeral procession. Algerian women at the polling station. A headstone for Fanon, b 20-7-1925, d 6-12-1961. Joby Fanon reads the letter which reveals that Fanon has leukæmia, and went to Washington for treatment.
Olivier Fanon on the confused and complex situation in Algeria today, which Fanon would never have accepted. Fanon actor listening to dance music on the radio. "My final prayer: o, my body, make of me always a man who questions!" Credits.

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Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.6
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.6.

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