Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5

1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5.

TitleFrantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.5

The tanks, helicopter. Cherki on working with Fanon, and VO actual and reconstructed footage of the Algerian war. Reconstruction of Fanon and patient who relates how he learnt that his mother had been killed and his sisters taken away by the military. Film of the war. Reconstruction of Fanon and French soldier explaining what it’s like to torture someone. Film of demonstrations. Reconstruction of Fanon and woman describing hearing people being tortured by her own father. Tanks and troops, etc. Fanon and patient who describes waiting for a woman’s dissident husband, and how she reminded him of his mother. Hall says this was a particularly violent war. Fanon with soldier talking about torture. Film extracts. The two sessions intercut. Cherki says there is a psychoanalytic aspect to violence which can re-open a space for dialogue when language no longer functions. Fanon actor remembers racist remarks about Arabs. Joby Fanon on "social therapy", developed with Dr Toscelles at St Alban’s hospital in France, which seeks to chance society so that the patient can re-enter it.

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Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.2.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.3.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.4.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.6
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.6.

Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7
1995. Frantz Fanon. Black skin white mask - ACE311.7.

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