Passover - ACE313.2

1995. Passover - ACE313.2.

TitlePassover - ACE313.2

Caption: "‘For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against al the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgement: I am the Lord.’ (EXODUS XII)". Credits. Forge. Man singing as he and companions work. "We forged the nails for the cross on which He was crucified. But I tell you, gypsy: Christ will return to redeem us from the curse of wandering." Circumcision ceremony. Jewish man takes telephone call; prepares to go out, taking with him a sharp-pointed instrument. Religious procession, cross with Christ-figure begin carried through the streets by military figures. Woman singing about the Passion. Jewish man waits for procession to pass. Farmyard; young gypsy woman chasing lamb. She dances in the Flamenco style, then stabs the lamb with a spike. Jewish man driving by, revives baby apparently drowned in river. The gypsies think Christ has returned. Jewish man - a veterinarian – arrives at the hacienda, but too late to save Don Ramón’s prize bull. Don Ramón says that in the bullring, only the bull is honourable – which is why he’s killed. The bull’s body is lowered into a burial pit by crane. A priest blesses it.

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Passover - ACE313.3
1995. Passover - ACE313.3.

Passover - ACE313.4
1995. Passover - ACE313.4.

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