Passover - ACE313.4

1995. Passover - ACE313.4.

TitlePassover - ACE313.4

Rodrigo arrives to send the gypsies away. He manhandles the young woman and the young man slashes at him with a knife. The vet wakes up in bed holding a bleeding human ear. The young gypsy woman, now naked, enters the hacienda and goes to the vet’s room. Next morning, the young woman prevents the young man from stabbing the vet by saying that he’s come to save them. Voice-over says "This film is a nightmare." Vet dresses and leaves the house, only to be set upon by the gypsies. He carries a cross across the bullring ; they nail him to it and haul it upright. Man sings "They nailed you to the cross for saying that you were God. They did not believe as I do." Bull runs towards the cross; intercut with footage of matador and underground train. Man and young woman, in evening dress alight from the train. Singing continues "The Jews killed you for saying you were God", now from busker. Man’s hand bleeds as he gives money. Credits.

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Passover - ACE313.2
1995. Passover - ACE313.2.

Passover - ACE313.3
1995. Passover - ACE313.3.

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