Passover - ACE313.3

1995. Passover - ACE313.3.

TitlePassover - ACE313.3

Young man dancing in imitation of matador; intercut with footage from bullring. The vet’s car won’t start. Gypsies in small bullring; vet comes to watch. Don Ramón’s steward, Rodrigo, tries to stop the corrida, much to the gypsies’ anger. He rides down the matador. The vet, staying in the hacienda, sees the gypsies playing and dancing. He asks for bread and wine which he takes to the gypsies. The elder invites him to stay with them for their last evening before moving on. Dancing (with long solo by young woman) and singing continues. The vet, sitting at the gypsies’ table, is crowned with a wreath of flowers. He repeats the words "Take, eat, for this bread is my body" and shares the bread with those at table while the elder sings. The solders at the religious procession. "Drink, for this wine is my blood…" Gypsies singing. The procession. The elder plays while the young man dances on table. He is told to apologise and kisses the vet on the cheek.

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Passover - ACE313.2
1995. Passover - ACE313.2.

Passover - ACE313.4
1995. Passover - ACE313.4.

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