Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5

1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5.

TitleEmploying the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5

Zarina Bhimji says she’s interested in contradictions, including the idea that she might one day wear a salwar kameez and the next "go to Miss Selfridge’s"; talks about how people react to her depending on how she’s dressed. She says she feels many different aspects of herself, sometimes English, sometimes Indian, etc. Working on a video with contents including rice, an ornamental bird, jewellery, water, a magnifying glass.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x7z/employing-the-image-making-spaces-for-ourselves-ace416-5

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Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8.

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