Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8

1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8.

TitleEmploying the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8

Participants in museum. VOs talking about their views of "black art". Bhimji talking about producing work that she wants to make. Alexander on films in which white men go out to conquer the world; she wants more than "talking about the possibility of taking power step by step". De Souza says that one demand of black art is that white art practice should change, something "conveniently forgotten by institutions". Boyce on the importance of meeting with other artists, and the need to "keep moving" rather than stagnate and disappear. Photographs of children. Credits

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Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x82/employing-the-image-making-spaces-for-ourselves-ace416-8

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Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7.

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