Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7

1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7.

TitleEmploying the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.7

Allan De Souza and images from his installation, Fathers and Sons; his VO saying that he feels that being confrontational is limiting as it hinders communication. He says he wants his work to be beautiful and attractive, but doesn’t believe that it’s any less political as a result. Fathers and Sons is about communication between generations, involves a historical perspective as well as contemporary issues. He recognises that "beautiful work" can play into the stereotype of South Asian artists as "exotic", but tries to use it in a way that makes it political. He talks about his materials and what they mean to him. Views over London. De Souza talks about the choices required to produce images; cultural practices always relate to particular traditions and history, and image-making must be political, either by supporting the status quo or by shifting it.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5x81/employing-the-image-making-spaces-for-ourselves-ace416-7

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Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.2.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.3.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.4.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.5.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.6.

Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8
1989. Employing the Image. Making spaces for ourselves - ACE416.8.

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