Secure Smart Wearable Computing through Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems for Health Monitoring

Ramasamy, L.K., Khan, F., Shah, M., Prasad , B.V.V.S., Iwendi, C. and Biamba, C. 2022. Secure Smart Wearable Computing through Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems for Health Monitoring. Sensors. 22 (3) 1076.

TitleSecure Smart Wearable Computing through Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems for Health Monitoring
TypeJournal article
AuthorsRamasamy, L.K., Khan, F., Shah, M., Prasad , B.V.V.S., Iwendi, C. and Biamba, C.

The functionality of the Internet is continually changing from the Internet of Computers (IoC) to the “Internet of Things (IoT)”. Most connected systems, called Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), are formed from the integration of numerous features such as humans and the physical environment, smart objects, and embedded devices and infrastructure. There are a few critical problems, such as security risks and ethical issues that could affect the IoT and CPS. When every piece of data and device is connected and obtainable on the network, hackers can obtain it and utilise it for different scams. In medical healthcare IoT-CPS, everyday medical and physical data of a patient may be gathered through wearable sensors. This paper proposes an AI-enabled IoT-CPS which doctors can utilise to discover diseases in patients based on AI. AI was created to find a few disorders such as Diabetes, Heart disease and Gait disturbances. Each disease has various symptoms among patients or elderly. Dataset is retrieved from the Kaggle repository to execute AI-enabled IoT-CPS technology. For the classification, AI-enabled IoT-CPS Algorithm is used to discover diseases. The experimental results demonstrate that compared with existing algorithms, the proposed AI-enabled IoT-CPS algorithm detects patient diseases and fall events in elderly more efficiently in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F-measure.

Article number1076
Journal citation22 (3)
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published29 Jan 2022

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