Coordinative Objects: supporting coordination in globally distributed projects

Dr Francois Roubert 2022. Coordinative Objects: supporting coordination in globally distributed projects. International Conference on Innovations in Info-business & Technology (ICIIT2022). Colombo, Sri Lanka 18 - 18 Feb 2022

TitleCoordinative Objects: supporting coordination in globally distributed projects
AuthorsDr Francois Roubert
TypeConference paper

The paper explores the roles of information objects to support coordination in globally distributed work in scientific research. First, it outlines key challenges to coordination in globally distributed work. Then, an empirical study of a globally distributed project in nanoscience is presented. It focuses on the practices of organizing and coordinating scientific research across multiple locations, organizations, and disciplines. The findings emphasize the key utilizations of the experimental protocol as a key information object to support the interconnection of scientific activities across the project. The experimental protocol is conceptualized as a ‘coordinative object’ that has key affordances to support global coordination: interpretation, alignment, and boundary-crossing.

Keywordsglobally distributed projects
information object
coordinative object
ConferenceInternational Conference on Innovations in Info-business & Technology (ICIIT2022)
Accepted author manuscript
Web address (URL) of conference proceedings

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