Women in Law Literature Review

Duff, L., Mason, M. and Webley, L. 2019. Women in Law Literature Review. London Law Society.

TitleWomen in Law Literature Review
AuthorsDuff, L., Mason, M. and Webley, L.
TypeProject report

The women in law literature review is part of our Women in Leadership in the Law project.

The review focuses on studies about women lawyers to answer the questions:

to what extent have women solicitors reached a position of equality within the profession?
to the extent that they have not, why not and what can be done to remedy the inequality?

The first section summarises 20 key studies with information about who conducted the study, how and why, and key findings.

The second section examines themes emerging from the studies with analysis on:

the representation of women in law and barriers to equal representation
parenthood and its impact on careers
work/life balance and its implications for women in law
unconscious bias
equal pay
workplace culture
the impact of change in the profession
best diversity practice to improve female representation

We conclude with a consideration of the work still to be done to reach gender equality in the profession, for example tackling:

subtle forms of discrimination
long-hours culture

PublisherLaw Society
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
Published14 Mar 2019
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Web address (URL)https://prdsitecore93.azureedge.net/-/media/files/topics/research/women-in-the-law-literature-review-march-2019.pdf?rev=c0f6012b16ef44af8f99701b51aa42d4&hash=1ED82A31AC49C12508CA12A73E815AD2

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