Complete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 5th edition

Webley, L. and Samuels, H. 2021. Complete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 5th edition. Oxford University Press (OUP).

TitleComplete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, 5th edition
AuthorsWebley, L. and Samuels, H.

Complete Public Law offers students a carefully blended combination of the subject's concepts, cases, and commentary. A combination which encourages critical thinking, stimulates analysis, and promotes a complete understanding.
• Introduces students to the subject of public law. Includes short sections within most chapters which explain the political and historical context to those with no prior knowledge as well as demonstrating how public law is relevant today
• Clear explanations of the legal concepts that underpin the subject give students a strong base on which to build
• Extracts from cases and primary materials show at first hand the law at work and will deepen their understanding
• Thought-provoking thinking points that ask your students' opinion will develop their analysis and show them how to critically evaluate the law
• Review questions and self-testing tools will help consolidate knowledge and give students the confidence to perform well in assessments
• The 'Judicial review: putting it all together in problem answers' chapter gives students practical help on how to tackle a judicial review problem and advise a client
• Also available as an e-book with functionality, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support

New to this edition:
• Fully updated to cover the latest developments in public law, including those related to Brexit, the impact of the Miller/Cherry case, and the use of delegated legislation in response to the coronavirus pandemic
• Discussion of recent significant judicial review cases, including R (on the application of Privacy International) v Investigatory Powers Tribunal and others (2019), R v Adams (2020), R (on the application of Palestine Solidarity Campaign Ltd and another) v Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government (2020), and R (D and Others) v Parole Board (2018)

PublisherOxford University Press (OUP)
Publication dates
Published09 Aug 2021

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