Of Knives, Mustaches, and Headgears: The Fall of the Qabaday in Zakariya Tamir’s Latest Works

Columbu, A. 2021. Of Knives, Mustaches, and Headgears: The Fall of the Qabaday in Zakariya Tamir’s Latest Works. in: Kahf, M. and Sinno, N. (ed.) Constructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa Literature, Film, and National Discourse Cairo, Egypt The American University in Cairo Press. pp. 141-160

Chapter titleOf Knives, Mustaches, and Headgears: The Fall of the Qabaday in Zakariya Tamir’s Latest Works
AuthorsColumbu, A.
EditorsKahf, M. and Sinno, N.

The chapter explores how male protagonists and symbols associated with their masculinity in Tamir’s trajectory have evolved from idealized figures that embody positive values in the context of increasing urbanization and class segregation to helpless and emasculated, delusional characters, as well as an object of derision and disdain in his most recent works. The text analyses this phenomenon in parallel with the end of totalizing ideologies and the fragmentation of the notion of unity in Arab nationalism suggested by Abu Deeb, as well as the collapse of a seemingly unchanging, ahistorical male protagonist (Abu Deeb). In addition, drawing inspiration from Georges Tarabishi’s reflections on the relationship between nationalist ideology, patriarchy and masculinity in Arab cultural production this chapter looks at masculinity, the body and gender roles as inseparable from historical events and political discourse.

Book titleConstructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa Literature, Film, and National Discourse
Page range141-160
PublisherThe American University in Cairo Press
Publication dates
Published in print2021
Place of publicationCairo, Egypt

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