Mighty Eagles and Mercenaries: Existentialism and War in Ghāda al-Sammān’s Early Short Stories

Columbu, A. 2024. Mighty Eagles and Mercenaries: Existentialism and War in Ghāda al-Sammān’s Early Short Stories. Hawwa - Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World. 22 (3-4), pp. 291-311. https://doi.org/10.1163/15692086-12341424

TitleMighty Eagles and Mercenaries: Existentialism and War in Ghāda al-Sammān’s Early Short Stories
TypeJournal article
AuthorsColumbu, A.

This article looks at the existentialist nature of Ghāda al-Sammān’s early short stories, with a particular focus on her very first collection, Aynāka qadarī (Your eyes are my destiny), published in 1962. Ghāda al-Sammān was born in Syria and widely celebrated for her novelistic career: this article gives centrality to two of her early short stories as they present narratives that intricately weave individual and collective struggles within the context of the Algerian war of independence. Analysing the interplay between overarching Arab causes, feminism and existential themes, this study explores the nuanced portrayal of characters grappling with the complexities of war, morality and personal redemption. The protagonists, often embodying dichotomous perspectives, symbolize dignity and barbarism, echoing existentialist principles. The article examines how al-Samman’s youthful perspective and Sartrean influences shape the narratives, offering readers a unique lens into the psychological and moral dimensions of conflict. By unravelling layers of existential struggle and political engagement, this analysis sheds light on the richness and relevance of al-Samman’s early works within the broader literary and philosophical landscape.

KeywordsGhada al-Samman
short stories
JournalHawwa - Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World
Journal citation22 (3-4), pp. 291-311
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1163/15692086-12341424
Publication dates
Published04 Nov 2024

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