Zakariyya Tamir and the politics of the Syrian short story - modernity, authoritarianism and gender

Columbu, A. 2023. Zakariyya Tamir and the politics of the Syrian short story - modernity, authoritarianism and gender. London I.B. Tauris.

TitleZakariyya Tamir and the politics of the Syrian short story - modernity, authoritarianism and gender
AuthorsColumbu, A.

Zakariyya Tamir is Syria's foremost writer of short stories, and his words are widely read across the Arab world. In this, the first English language monograph on Tamir's entire oeuvre, Alessandro Columbu examines Tamir's literary development in the context of changing political contexts, from his beginnings as a short story writer on local political magazines in the late 1950s until the Syrian revolution of 2011.

This, the movements from independence and Western-inspired modernisation to the rise of nationalism and socialism; war, defeat, occupation in the 1960s; the emergence of authoritarianism and the cult of personality of Hafiz al-Assad in the 1970s are charted in the context of Tamir's works. Therein, the significance of masculinity and patriarchy and its changing nature in relation to nationalism and authoritarianism are revealed as Tamir's foremost vehicles for social and political critique.

KeywordsSyria; short story; masculinities; nationalism; authoritarianism; modernity
PublisherI.B. Tauris
Publication dates
Published26 Jan 2023
Place of publicationLondon

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