A Museum for Me: Place and Memory Making with Mujer Diáspora

Peate, A. and Brandi, L. 2024. A Museum for Me: Place and Memory Making with Mujer Diáspora. in: Wang, C. and Lamb, T. (ed.) Negotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London: Bridging Borders, Creating Spaces Bristol Multilingual Matters.

Chapter titleA Museum for Me: Place and Memory Making with Mujer Diáspora
AuthorsPeate, A. and Brandi, L.
EditorsWang, C. and Lamb, T.

This chapter discusses Mujer Diáspora (Diaspora Woman), the Colombia migrant women’s London-based NGO, and their interactions with participatory arts kits, entitled A Museum for Me (Un Museo para Mí), one of the outputs of the AHRC Standard Grant research project Memory, Victims and Representations of the Colombian Conflict. The text introduces the Colombian diaspora in London whose experiences of migration are contextualised by the Colombian armed conflict (1964 – 2016), and argues that, despite being the predominant victims of conflict, women have been largely overlooked in conflict narratives, not least the women of the Colombian diaspora. It considers how public acknowledgement of victim experiences and symbolic reparations are central tenets of the Colombian Peace Process (in the 2011 Victims Law and 2016 Peace Agreement) and places A Museum for Me in this context. The interactive materials have been used in both Colombia and the London diaspora, as tools to facilitate representation of women’s experiences of war. The chapter illustrates this by analysing a series of engagements by Mujer Diáspora with the materials, concluding that A Museum for Me has provided invaluable place- and memory-making opportunities for Colombian women in London.

KeywordsColombian conflict
Participatory art
Diasporic representation
Gender violence
Human Rights
Book titleNegotiating Identities, Language and Migration in Global London: Bridging Borders, Creating Spaces
PublisherMultilingual Matters
Publication dates
Published16 Jan 2024
Place of publicationBristol

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