When are confident eyewitnesses correct? Investigating the impact of type and order of questions on eyewitness confidence and monitoring

Caso, A. and Gabbert, F. 2023. When are confident eyewitnesses correct? Investigating the impact of type and order of questions on eyewitness confidence and monitoring. Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIV 2023). Nagoya, Japan 09 - 12 Aug 2023

TitleWhen are confident eyewitnesses correct? Investigating the impact of type and order of questions on eyewitness confidence and monitoring
AuthorsCaso, A. and Gabbert, F.
TypeConference paper

Eyewitness testimony is crucial for police investigations, but do eyewitnesses know if their memories are correct? This experiment investigated the impact of question types and order on eyewitnesses’ monitoring. 125 participants recalled a crime event with a Free Recall and a set of CR questions further divided into compatible (i.e., related to the freely reported information) and incompatible questions (i.e., non-related to the freely reported information). The order of the questions differed across groups. The FR and compatible CR questions (c.f. incompatible CR) yielded (i) more and more accurate details, (ii) more stable confidence, and (iii) more effective memory monitoring.

Keywordsinvestigative interviewing, confidence, confidence-accuracy calibration
ConferenceSociety for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIV 2023)

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