Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach

Waddington, K. and Bonaparte, B. (ed.) 2024. Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach. Switzerland Springer Nature.

TitleDeveloping Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education: A Practice First Approach
EditorsWaddington, K. and Bonaparte, B.

This book sits in the field of critical pedagogy, and addresses the intersections and gaps between theory, research, and practice that both connect and divide compassion and pedagogies. In foregrounding practice, the book makes an important contribution to the growing call for universities and teachers to adopt student-centred approaches that challenge us to fundamentally re-think what universities do. It extends the theoretical and practical discussions of compassion in higher education found. This involves examining how compassion may become both critical and strategic in opening up emotional spaces which might eventually disrupt discomforting or naïve feelings. To this end the book addresses growing calls for radical change, and creation of universities driven by compassion, rather than profit, helping to build fairer and more socially just societies. The major contribution it makes to the field is in the way it addresses the critical question:

• How can we become better at developing and supporting universities that are needed in the future?

The book will be published in the Springer series: Knowledge Studies in higher education - which provides scholars and policymakers with the theory and data they need to make more informed decisions regarding knowledge research.

Keywordscompassionate pedagogy
critical pedagogy
theory practice gap
universities of the future
PublisherSpringer Nature
Publication dates
Published07 Sep 2024
Place of publicationSwitzerland
SeriesKnowledge Studies in Higher Education

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