论“百节之乡”的空间生产——以列斐伏尔空间理论分析一座中国小城 (On the Spatial Production of the “Homeland of 100 Festivals”: Using Lefebvrian Spatial Theory to Analyse a Small Chinese City)

Kendall, P. 2024. 论“百节之乡”的空间生产——以列斐伏尔空间理论分析一座中国小城 (On the Spatial Production of the “Homeland of 100 Festivals”: Using Lefebvrian Spatial Theory to Analyse a Small Chinese City). 人类学研究 (Anthropological Research).

Title论“百节之乡”的空间生产——以列斐伏尔空间理论分析一座中国小城 (On the Spatial Production of the “Homeland of 100 Festivals”: Using Lefebvrian Spatial Theory to Analyse a Small Chinese City)
TypeJournal article
AuthorsKendall, P.

This article explores the extent to which Henri Lefebvre’s theories of social space can be applied to the realities of a small Chinese city in the 2010s. It firstly introduces Lefebvre’s theory of social space, especially his spatial triad of the perceived, the conceived and the lived, and how this theory has been used by foreign scholars doing research on contemporary China. Secondly, it applies this triad to the social space of Kaili in Guizhou, paying particular attention to the relationship between city brand, built environment and everyday life. Finally, based on the author’s fieldwork findings from Kaili, it suggests some modifications of Lefebvre’s spatial triad.

KeywordsHenri Lefebvre
social space
city branding
Chinese studies
Journal人类学研究 (Anthropological Research)
Publication dates
PublishedOct 2024

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