Background With ever-increasing training, match-play and travel demands in professional soccer, recovery is vital for athletic performance, a statement amplified in tournament and in-season scenarios. However, alongside supporting the tasks associated with these increased demands, the recovery and wellbeing strategies recommended for playing staff are often unavailable to their support staff counterparts, who routinely experience extended working hours over and above scheduled player attendance. Methods Focusing on the contributions of nutrition to this undoubtedly multifactorial issue, this narrative review aimed to (1) identify potential strategies to enhance recovery and wellbeing in multi-disciplinary soccer support staff and (2) highlight future research opportunities exploring the benefits of nutrition for those staff in soccer performance-related support roles. Results The potential health and wellbeing consequences of chronic sub-optimal practices suggest that chrononutrition strategies may be an area of future interest. Notably, nutritional strategies that enhance sleep hygiene and immune function warrant consideration. Individualizing such strategies to maximize recovery and wellbeing in multi-disciplinary soccer support staff should offer an adjunct and complementary strategy to the holistic performance-focused support provided to professional soccer players. Conclusions Policymakers responsible for organizational and club structures aligned with soccer performance could consider ‘Supporting the Support Staff’ when seeking to improve overall performance. |