Application repository based evaluation of the EDGI infrastructure

Visegradi, A., Acs, S., Kovacs, J. and Terstyanszky, G. 2012. Application repository based evaluation of the EDGI infrastructure. MIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics. Opatija, Croatia 21 - 25 May 2012 IEEE .

TitleApplication repository based evaluation of the EDGI infrastructure
AuthorsVisegradi, A., Acs, S., Kovacs, J. and Terstyanszky, G.
TypeConference paper

The infrastructure set up by the EDGI EU FP7 project contains Desktop Grid (DG) sites (BOINC or XtremWeb) performing the execution of jobs coming from gLite, ARC or Unicore type service grids. The infrastructure contains an Application Repository (AR) as a central service storing all relevant information for applications. This AR is also the key to the gateways of the Desktop Grid sites, since enabling the execution of a given application on a DG site can be performed through the AR. The entire infrastructure has a monitoring system developed to collect statistical information about job execution. However, validating the information in the AR and testing job execution against the DG site was still missing. In order to evaluate the operation of the EDGI infrastructure, a new service has been designed and prototyped. This service collects all relevant information and submits jobs to Desktop Grids to gather data about their current state. This data can then be used by monitoring agents. A reporting webpage for the administrators is implemented. We will also show how reporting can be integrated with the Nagios system.

ConferenceMIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics
Publication dates
JournalMIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - Proceedings
Journal citationpp. 295-300
Web address (URL)

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Enabling Scientific Workflow Sharing through Coarse-Grained Interoperability
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Developing Science Gateways at Various Levels of Granularity Using WS-PGRADE/gUSE
Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Borsody, P., Kacsuk, P. and Balasko, A. 2014. Developing Science Gateways at Various Levels of Granularity Using WS-PGRADE/gUSE. in: Kacsuk, P. (ed.) Science Gateways for Distributed Computing Infrastructures, Development Framework and Exploitation by Scientific User Communities Springer. pp. 111-122

Collaboration tools and support for sharing portlets and workflows and running scientific experiments in science gateways for distributed computing infrastructures
Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T. and Balasko, A. 2014. Collaboration tools and support for sharing portlets and workflows and running scientific experiments in science gateways for distributed computing infrastructures. in: Kacsuk, P. (ed.) Development Framework and Exploitation by Scientific User Communities Springer. pp. 123-135

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Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Borsody, P., Kacsuk, P. and Balasko, A. 2014. Developing science gateways at various levels of granularity using WS-PGRADE/gUSE in science gateways for distributed computing infrastructures. in: Kacsuk, P. (ed.) Development framework and exploitation by scientific user communities Springer. pp. 111-122

Buttressing volatile desktop grids with cloud resources within a reconfigurable environment service for workflow orchestration
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Gesing, S., Atkinson, M., Klampanos, I., Galea, M., Berthold, M., Barbera, R., Scardaci, D., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T. and Kacsuk, P. 2013. The Demand for Consistent Web-Based Workflow Editors. 8th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science. Denver, Colorado, USA 17 Nov 2013 ACM.

Exploring workflow interoperability for neuroimage analysis on the SHIWA platform
Korkhov, V., Krefting, D., Kukla, T., Terstyanszky, G., Caan, M.W.A. and Olabarriaga, S.D. 2013. Exploring workflow interoperability for neuroimage analysis on the SHIWA platform. Journal of Grid Computing. 11 (3), pp. 505-522.

Virtual appliance size optimization with active fault injection
Kecskemeti, G., Terstyanszky, G. and Kacsuk, P. 2012. Virtual appliance size optimization with active fault injection. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 23 (10), pp. 1983-1995.

Programming applications for desktop grids
Kiss, T. and Terstyanszky, G. 2012. Programming applications for desktop grids. in: Cerin, C. and Fedak, G. (ed.) Desktop grid computing CRC Press. pp. 309-332

Supporting web 2.0 communities by volunteer desktop grids
Kacsuk, P., Marosi, A., Lovas, R. and Kovacs, J. 2012. Supporting web 2.0 communities by volunteer desktop grids. in: Cerin, C. and Fedak, G. (ed.) Desktop Grid Computing Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on Desktop Grid resources
Kovacs, J., Araujo, F., Boychenko, S., Keller, M. and Brinkmann, A. 2012. Monitoring UNICORE jobs executed on Desktop Grid resources. MIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics. Opatija, Croatia 21 - 25 May 2012 IEEE .

Transparent execution of ARC jobs on Desktop Grid resources
Søttrup, C.U., Wäänänen, A. and Kovacs, J. 2012. Transparent execution of ARC jobs on Desktop Grid resources. MIPRO 2012 - 35th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics. Opatija, Croatia 21 - 25 May 2012 IEEE .

Application repository and science gateway for running molecular docking and dynamics simulations
Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Kukla, T., Lichtenberger, Z., Winter, S., Greenwell, P., McEldowney, S. and Heindl, H. 2012. Application repository and science gateway for running molecular docking and dynamics simulations. in: Gesing, S., Glatard, T., Kruger, J., Delgado Olabarriaga, S., Solomonides, T., Silverstein, J.C., Montagnat, J., Gaignard, A. and Krefting, D. (ed.) Healthgrid applications and technologies meet science gateways for life sciences IOS Press.

An approach for virtual appliance distribution for service deployment
Kecskemeti, G., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Nemeth, Z. 2011. An approach for virtual appliance distribution for service deployment. Future Generation Computer Systems. 27 (3), pp. 280-289.

Cation-π interactions induce kinking of a molecular hinge in the RNA polymerase bridge-helix domain
Heindl, H., Greenwell, P., Weingarten, N., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G. and Weinzierl, R.O.J. 2011. Cation-π interactions induce kinking of a molecular hinge in the RNA polymerase bridge-helix domain. Biochemical Society Transactions. 39 (1), pp. 31-35.

Performance evaluation of GNSS aided predictive multihomed NEMO configurations
Kovács, J., Bokor, L. and Jeney, G. 2011. Performance evaluation of GNSS aided predictive multihomed NEMO configurations. 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications. St. Petersburg, Russia 23 - 25 Aug 2011 IEEE .

Desktop grids opening up to UNICORE
Keller, M., Kovacs, J. and Brinkmann, A. 2011. Desktop grids opening up to UNICORE. 7th UNICORE Summit 2011. Torun, Poland 07 - 08 Jul 2011

Utilizing the power of desktop grid systems by web 2.0 communities
Marosi, A.C., Kovács, J. and Kacsuk, P. 2011. Utilizing the power of desktop grid systems by web 2.0 communities. Infocommunications Journal. 3 (2), pp. 1-8.

Grid application meta-repository system: repository interconnectivity and cross-domain application usage in distributed computing environments
Tudose, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2011. Grid application meta-repository system: repository interconnectivity and cross-domain application usage in distributed computing environments. in: Lin, S.C. and Yen, E. (ed.) Data Driven e-Science: use cases and successful applications of distributed computing infrastructures (ISGC 2010) London and New York Springer. pp. 277-290

Scientific workflow makespan reduction through cloud augmented desktop grids
Reynolds, C.J., Winter, S., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Greenwell, P., Acs, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2011. Scientific workflow makespan reduction through cloud augmented desktop grids. in: 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science IEEE . pp. 18-23

Development of user-friendly, high throughput screening for ligands and inhibitors of carbohydrate modifying enzymes
Heindl, H., Greenwell, P., Kiss, T., Reynolds, C.J., Farkas, D., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2011. Development of user-friendly, high throughput screening for ligands and inhibitors of carbohydrate modifying enzymes. 2nd glyco-bioinformatics Beilstein-Institut symposium. Potsdam, Germany 27th June – 1st July 2011

Molecular docking simulations on a combined desktop and service grid infrastructure
Kiss, T., Szmetanko, G., Terstyanszky, G., Greenwell, P. and Heindl, H. 2010. Molecular docking simulations on a combined desktop and service grid infrastructure. in: Proceedings: Third AlmereGrid Desktop Experience workshop: desktop grid applications for eScience and eBusiness, 30 March 2010, Almere, The Netherlands EnterTheGrid. pp. 23-27

Parameter sweep workflows for modelling carbohydrate recognition
Kiss, T., Greenwell, P., Heindl, H., Terstyanszky, G. and Weingarten, N. 2010. Parameter sweep workflows for modelling carbohydrate recognition. Journal of Grid Computing. 8 (4), pp. 587-601.

A desktop grid based solution for the optimisation of X-ray diffraction profiles
Kiss, T., Farkas, D., Terstyanszky, G., Santos, S.P., Gomez-Pulido, J.A. and Vega-Rodriguez, M.A. 2010. A desktop grid based solution for the optimisation of X-ray diffraction profiles. in: Proceedings: Third AlmereGrid Desktop Experience workshop: desktop grid applications for eScience and eBusiness, 30 March 2010, Almere, The Netherlands EnterTheGrid. pp. 28-32

Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment
Kecskemeti, G., Kacsuk, P., Delaitre, T. and Terstyanszky, G. 2010. Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment. in: Davoli, F., Meyer, N., Pugliese, R. and Zappatore, S. (ed.) Remote instrumentation and virtual laboratories Springer. pp. 67-77

ProSim: development of a user-friendly molecular modelling package
Heindl, H., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Weingarten, N., Afrough, B. and Greenwell, P. 2010. ProSim: development of a user-friendly molecular modelling package. in: Hicks, M.G. and Kettner, C. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Beilstein Symposium on Glyco-Bioinformatics: Bits ‘n’ Bytes of Sugars, October 4th – 8th, 2009, Potsdam, Germany Beilstein-Institut zur Fo¨rderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften. pp. 61-85

Grid interoperability for e-Research
Riedel, M. and Terstyanszky, G. 2009. Grid interoperability for e-Research. Journal of Grid Computing. 7 (3), pp. 285-286.

Transparent parallel checkpointing and migration in clusters and ClusterGrids
Kovács, J. 2009. Transparent parallel checkpointing and migration in clusters and ClusterGrids. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering. 4 (3), pp. 171-181.

Adapted quality resource selection using the Grid reputation-policy trust management service
Zetuny, Y., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2009. Adapted quality resource selection using the Grid reputation-policy trust management service. in: Weghorn, H., Roth, J. and Isaías, P. (ed.) Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Informatics 2009: part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2009, Algarve, Portugal, 17 - 23 June 2009 International Association for Development of the Information Society. pp. 11-18

Ontological support for managing non-functional requirements in pervasive healthcare
Koay, N., Kataria, P., Juric, R., Oberndorf, P. and Terstyanszky, G. 2009. Ontological support for managing non-functional requirements in pervasive healthcare. in: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 42), Hawaii, Big Island, US, January 5 - 8, 2009 IEEE . pp. 1-10

Porting applications to a combined desktop Grid/service Grid platform using the EDGeS application development methodology
Kiss, T., Szmetanko, G., Farkas, D., Terstyanszky, G. and Kacsuk, P. 2009. Porting applications to a combined desktop Grid/service Grid platform using the EDGeS application development methodology. Proceedings of the INGRID 09, 4th International Workshop on Distributed Cooperative Laboratories: Instrumenting the Grid. Alghero, Sardinia, Italy 01 - 03 Apr 2009

Integrating Open Grid Services Architecture Data Access and Integration with computational Grid workflows
Kukla, T., Kiss, T., Kacsuk, P. and Terstyanszky, G. 2009. Integrating Open Grid Services Architecture Data Access and Integration with computational Grid workflows. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences. 367 (1897), pp. 2521-2532.

EDGeS, the common boundary between service and desktop grids
Balaton, Z., Farkas, Z., Gombas, G., Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Marosi, A.C., Emmen, E., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Kelley, I., Taylor, I. and Araujo, F. 2008. EDGeS, the common boundary between service and desktop grids. Parallel Processing Letters. 18 (3), pp. 433-445.

Special Section: Grid-enabling legacy applications and supporting end users
Kacsuk, P. and Terstyanszky, G. 2008. Special Section: Grid-enabling legacy applications and supporting end users. Future Generation Computer Systems. 24 (7), pp. 709-710.

Subjective trust based decision strategies utilizing the Grid reputation-policy trust management service
Zetuny, Y., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2008. Subjective trust based decision strategies utilizing the Grid reputation-policy trust management service. in: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2008, Edinburgh, UK, 8th - 11th September 2008 Edinburgh National e-Science Centre.

Reputation-policy trust model for grid resource selection
Zetuny, Y., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2008. Reputation-policy trust model for grid resource selection. in: Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R. and Nemeth, Z. (ed.) Distributed and parallel systems: in focus: desktop grid computing Boston, MA Springer. pp. 195-206

A checkpointing mechanism for the Grid environment
Sajadah, K., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2008. A checkpointing mechanism for the Grid environment. in: Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2008, Edinburgh, UK, 8th - 11th September 2008 Edinburgh National e-Science Centre.

Checkpointing of parallel applications in a grid environment
Sajadah, K., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2008. Checkpointing of parallel applications in a grid environment. in: Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R. and Nemeth, Z. (ed.) Distributed and parallel systems: in focus: desktop grid computing Boston, MA Springer. pp. 179-187

A general and scalable solution for heterogeneous workflow invocation and nesting
Kukla, T., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G. and Kacsuk, P. 2008. A general and scalable solution for heterogeneous workflow invocation and nesting. in: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, in conjunction with SC 2008, Austin, TX, USA, November 17 2008 IEEE . pp. 1-8

Utilizing heterogeneous data sources in computational grid workflows
Kiss, T., Tudose, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Sipos, G. 2008. Utilizing heterogeneous data sources in computational grid workflows. in: Danelutto, M., Fragopoulou, P. and Getov, Vladimir (ed.) Making grids work: Proceedings of the CoreGRID Workshop on Programming Models Grid and P2P System Architecture Grid Systems, Tools and Environments 12-13 June 2007, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Springer. pp. 225-236

Towards Grid data interoperation: OGSA-DAI data resources in computational Grid workflows
Kiss, T., Kukla, T., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Sipos, G. 2008. Towards Grid data interoperation: OGSA-DAI data resources in computational Grid workflows. in: Proc. of the CoreGRID Workshop “Integrated Research in Grid Computing”, Heraklion-Crete, Greece, 2-4 April 2008 Crete University Press.

Workflow level interoperation of grid data resources
Kiss, T., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2008. Workflow level interoperation of grid data resources. in: Priol, T., Lefevre, L. and Buyya, R. (ed.) CCGrid 2008 8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid IEEE . pp. 194-201

Automatic service deployment using virtualisation
Kecskemeti, G., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T. and Delaitre, T. 2008. Automatic service deployment using virtualisation. in: Proceedings of the 16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2008), Toulouse, France, February 13-15, 2008 Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 628-635

Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment
Kecskemeti, G., Kacsuk, P., Delaitre, T., Terstyanszky, G., Davoli, F., Meyer, N., Pugliese, R. and Zappatore, S. 2008. Virtual appliances: a way to provide automatic service deployment. INGRID 2008. Lacco Ameno, Island of Ischia, Italy 9 - 11 April 2008 Springer. pp. 425-436

EDGeS: a bridge between desktop grids and service grids
Fedak, G., He, H., Lodygensky, O., Balaton, Z., Farkas, Z., Gombas, G., Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Marosi, A.C., Kelley, I., Taylor, I., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Cardenas-Montes, M., Emmen, E. and Araujo, F. 2008. EDGeS: a bridge between desktop grids and service grids. in: 3rd ChinaGrid Annual Conference, ChinaGrid2008 IEEE . pp. 3-9

EDGeS: the common boundary between service and desktop grids
Balaton, Z., Farkas, Z., Gombas, G., Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Marosi, A.C., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Lodygensky, O., Fedak, G., Emmen, E., Kelley, I., Taylor, I., Cardenas-Montes, M. and Araujo, F. 2008. EDGeS: the common boundary between service and desktop grids. in: Gorlatch, S., Fragopoulou, P. and Priol, T. (ed.) Grid computing: achievements and prospects Springer. pp. 37-48

Application of Grid computing for designing a class of optimal periodic nonuniform sampling sequences
Tarczynski, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T., Qu, D. and Winter, S. 2008. Application of Grid computing for designing a class of optimal periodic nonuniform sampling sequences. Future Generation Computer Systems. 24 (7), pp. 763-773.

Extracting performance hints for grid users using data mining techniques: a case study in the NGS
Goyeneche, A., Guim, F., Rodero, I., Terstyanszky, G. and Corbalan, J. 2007. Extracting performance hints for grid users using data mining techniques: a case study in the NGS. Mediterranean Journal of Computers & Networks. 3 (2), pp. 52-61.

Utilising different data sources in computational grid workflows
Kiss, T., Tudose, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Sipos, G. 2007. Utilising different data sources in computational grid workflows. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Programming Model, Grid and P2P Systems Architecture and Grid Systems, Tools and Environments. Heraklion - Crete, Greece 12 - 13 Jun 2007

SRB data resources in computational grid workflows
Kiss, T., Tudose, A., Kacsuk, P. and Terstyanszky, G. 2007. SRB data resources in computational grid workflows. in: Cox, S.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham UK, 10th - 13th September Edinburgh National e-Science Centre. pp. 643-650

Automatic service deployment using virtualisation
Kecskemeti, G., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Delaitre, T. and Kacsuk, P. 2007. Automatic service deployment using virtualisation. in: Cox, S.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham UK, 10th - 13th September Edinburgh National e-Science Centre. pp. 718-725

Improving Grid computing performance prediction using weighted templates
Goyeneche, A., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T. and Winter, S. 2007. Improving Grid computing performance prediction using weighted templates. in: Cox, S.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham UK, 10th - 13th September Edinburgh National e-Science Centre. pp. 361-368

Legacy code support for service-oriented production grids
Delaitre, T., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2007. Legacy code support for service-oriented production grids. in: Kacsuk, P., Fahringer, T. and Nemeth, Z. (ed.) Distributed and parallel systems: cluster and grid computing (Proceedings of the 6th Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems (DAPSYS)) Boston, MA Springer. pp. 103-112

Legacy code support for commercial production grids
Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Kacsuk, P., Delaitre, T., Kecskemeti, G. and Winter, S. 2006. Legacy code support for commercial production grids. in: Cox, S.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006: Nottingham UK, 18th - 21st September Edinburgh, UK National e-Science Centre. pp. 21-26

User support for next generation production grids
Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Delaitre, T., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P. and Kecskemeti, G. 2006. User support for next generation production grids. Grid-Enabling Legacy Applications and Supporting End Users Workshop (GELA) within the framework of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'15). Paris, France 19-23 Jun 2006 pp. 35-43

Service-oriented production grids and user support
Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Delaitre, T., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P. and Kecskemeti, G. 2006. Service-oriented production grids and user support. in: Gannon, D., Badia, R.M. and Buyya, R. (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, Barcelona, Spain, September 28-29, 2006 Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 323-324

Application of grid computing for designing a class of optimal periodic non-uniform sampling sequences
Tarczynski, A., Kiss, T., Qu, D., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T. and Winter, S. 2006. Application of grid computing for designing a class of optimal periodic non-uniform sampling sequences. 15th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing, HPDC'15. Paris, France 19 - 23 Jun 2006 pp. 86-94

Hidden access mechanism for demonstrating and teaching grid
Stancheva, R., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T., Kiss, T., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2006. Hidden access mechanism for demonstrating and teaching grid. MIPRO 2006, 29th International Convention. Opatija, Croatia 22-26 May 2006 Croatia Croation Society for Information and Communications.

Solving grid interoperability between 2nd and 3rd generation grids by the integrated P-GRADE/GEMCLA portal
Kiss, T., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T., Kecskemeti, G. and Winter, S. 2006. Solving grid interoperability between 2nd and 3rd generation grids by the integrated P-GRADE/GEMCLA portal. in: Cox, S.J. (ed.) Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006: Nottingham UK, 18th - 21st September Edinburgh, UK National e-Science Centre. pp. 389-392

Legacy code repository with broker-based job execution
Kecskemeti, G., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T. and Kacsuk, P. 2006. Legacy code repository with broker-based job execution. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Systems, Tools and Environments in Conjunction with GRIDS@work: CoreGRID Conference, Grid Plugtests and Contest. Sophia-Antipolis, France 01 Dec 2006

User friendly environment to grid enabled legacy codes
Kacsuk, P., Kiss, T., Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Winter, S., Terstyanszky, G., Farkas, Z., Nemeth, C. and Boczko, T. 2006. User friendly environment to grid enabled legacy codes. in: Di Martino, B., Dongarra, J., Hoisie, A., Yang, L.T. and Zima, H. (ed.) Engineering the grid: status and perspective Valencia, California, USA ASP Press. pp. 205-217

Dynamic testing of legacy code resources on the grid
Bitonti, L., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2006. Dynamic testing of legacy code resources on the grid. in: Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Frontiers New York, USA ACM. pp. 261-268

Legacy code support for production grids
Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Kecskemeti, G., Illes, S., Delaitre, T., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P. and Sipos, G. 2005. Legacy code support for production grids. CoreGRID.

Towards checkpointing Grid architecture
Jankowski, G., Kovacs, J., Meyer, N., Januszewski, R. and Mikolajczak, R. 2005. Towards checkpointing Grid architecture. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 6th International Conference, PPAM 2005. Poznan, Poland 11 - 15 Sep 2005 Springer Nature.

Grid services interoperability within the context of a workflow
Zetuny, Y., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Madani, K. 2005. Grid services interoperability within the context of a workflow. in: microCAD 2005 International Scientific Conference Miskolc, Hungary microCAD. pp. 403-408

Deployment and interoperability of legacy code services
Zetuny, Y., Kecskemeti, G., Kiss, T., Sipos, G., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2005. Deployment and interoperability of legacy code services. in: Gorlatch, S. and Danelutto, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy Universit di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica.

Service management architecture in ePerSpace
Terstyanszky, G., Zetuny, Y., Kecskemeti, G., Madani, K. and Lohi, M. 2005. Service management architecture in ePerSpace. in: EUROSCOM Summit 2005: Ubiquitous Services and Applications: Exploiting the Potential, conference proceedings, 27-29 April 2005, Heidelberg, Germany Berlin, Germany VDE Verlag.

Automatic grid service deployment
Terstyanszky, G. and Kecskemeti, G. 2005. Automatic grid service deployment. in: microCAD 2005 International Scientific Conference Miskolc, Hungary microCAD. pp. 201-206

Security mechanisms for legacy code applications in GT3 environment
Terstyanszky, G., Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Kiss, T., Sajadah, K., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2005. Security mechanisms for legacy code applications in GT3 environment. in: 13th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing proceedings: Lugano, Switzerland, February 9-11, 2005 Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 220-226

A semi-autonomous generic network for seamless personalised services at home and elsewhere
Madani, K., Lohi, M., Terstyanszky, G., Zetuny, Y. and Kecskemeti, G. 2005. A semi-autonomous generic network for seamless personalised services at home and elsewhere. in: IEE Forum on Autonomous Systems, 2005 IEEE .

ePerSpace: a distributed platform for personalised services at home and elsewhere
Madani, K., Lohi, M., Terstyanszky, G., Zetuny, Y. and Kecskemeti, G. 2005. ePerSpace: a distributed platform for personalised services at home and elsewhere. International Council on Medical and Care Compunetics (ICMCC) Conference. The Hague, Netherlands 01-03 June 2005

Legacy code support for production grids
Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Kecskemeti, G., Illes, S., Delaitre, T., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P. and Sipos, G. 2005. Legacy code support for production grids. in: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing: November 13-14 2005. Seattle, Washington, USA USA IEEE . pp. 278-283

User friendly legacy code support for different grid environments and middleware
Kiss, T., Sipos, G., Terstyanszky, G., Podhorszki, N. and Winter, S. 2005. User friendly legacy code support for different grid environments and middleware. in: Gorlatch, S. and Danelutto, M. (ed.) Proceedings of the CoreGRID Integration Workshop, Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy Universit di Pisa, Dipartimento di Informatica.

Integration of GEMLCA and the P-GRADE portal
Kiss, T., Sipos, G., Kacsuk, P., Karoczkai, K., Terstyanszky, G. and Delaitre, T. 2005. Integration of GEMLCA and the P-GRADE portal. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Systems, Tools and Environments (WP7 Workshop) (in conjunction with GRIDS@Work). Sophia Antipolis, France 12-14 Oct 2005

Automatic deployment and interoperability of grid services
Kecskemeti, G., Zetuny, Y., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S., Kiss, T. and Kacsuk, P. 2005. Automatic deployment and interoperability of grid services. in: Cox, S.J. and Walker, D.W. (ed.) Proceedings UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, Steering via the Image in Local, Distributed and Collaborative Settings Swindon, UK EPSRC. pp. 729-736

Automatic deployment of interoperable legacy code services
Kecskemeti, G., Zetuny, Y., Kiss, T., Sipos, G., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2005. Automatic deployment of interoperable legacy code services. CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Systems, Tools and Environments (WP7 Workshop) (in conjunction with GRIDS@Work). Sophia Antipolis, France 12-14 Oct 2005

Experiences with deploying legacy code applications as grid services using GEMLCA
Goyeneche, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Kecskemeti, G., Delaitre, T., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2005. Experiences with deploying legacy code applications as grid services using GEMLCA. in: Sloot, P.M.A., Hoekstra, A.G., Priol, T. and Reinefeld, A. (ed.) Advances in grid computing (EGC 2005): European Grid Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 14-16, 2005: revised selected papers Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 851-860

GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services
Delaitre, T., Kiss, T., Goyeneche, A., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2005. GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services. CoreGRID.

GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services
Delaitre, T., Kiss, T., Goyeneche, A., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S. and Kacsuk, P. 2005. GEMLCA: running legacy code applications as grid services. Journal of Grid Computing. 3 (1-2), pp. 75-90.

Electronic marketplaces based on OSGI grid services
Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2004. Electronic marketplaces based on OSGI grid services. in: microCAD 2004: International Scientific Conference, 18-19 March 2004 UNKNOWN. pp. 43-48

Deploying application on a GT3 Grid
Kiss, T., Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P., Terstyanszky, G., Igbe, D., Maselino, P., Sajadah, K. and Weingarten, N. 2004. Deploying application on a GT3 Grid. London, UK University of Westminster.

An approach to managing quality of services and performance in grid computing
Goyeneche, A., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2004. An approach to managing quality of services and performance in grid computing. MicroCAD 2004 International Scientific Conference. Miskolc, Hungary 18-19 Mar 2004

Creating scalable traffic simulation on clusters
Gourgoulis, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2004. Creating scalable traffic simulation on clusters. in: Proceedings of the 12th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2004) Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 60-65

Experiences with publishing and executing parallel legacy code using an OGSI grid service
Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Winter, S., Kacsuk, P., Igbe, D., Maselino, P., Sajadah, K. and Weingarten, N. 2004. Experiences with publishing and executing parallel legacy code using an OGSI grid service. in: Proceedings of the UK E-Science All Hands Meeting, 31st Aug - 3rd Sep, 2004, Nottingham, UK EPSRC. pp. 999-1002

Traffic simulation in P-Grade as a grid service
Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G., Weingarten, N., Maselino, P., Gourgoulis, A. and Winter, S. 2004. Traffic simulation in P-Grade as a grid service. in: Zoltan, J., Kacsuk, P. and Kranzlmuller, D. (ed.) Distributed and parallel systems: cluster and grid computing New York, USA Springer.

GEMLCA: grid execution management for legacy code architecture design
Delaitre, T., Goyeneche, A., Kacsuk, P., Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2004. GEMLCA: grid execution management for legacy code architecture design. in: Steinmetz, R., Mauthe, A. and Crnkovic, I. (ed.) 30th Euromicro Conference proceedings: 31 August-3 September, 2004, Rennes, France IEEE . pp. 477-483

Web services and grid computing for e-business applications
Kiss, T., Terstyanszky, G. and Winter, S. 2003. Web services and grid computing for e-business applications. in: microCAD 2003: International Scientific Conference, 06-07 March 2003 UNKNOWN.

Demonstration of P-GRADE job-mode for the Grid
Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Kovacs, J., Gombas, G., Podhorszki, N., Ovath, A.H., Horanyi, A., Szeberenyi, T., Delaitre, T. and Terstyanszky, G. 2003. Demonstration of P-GRADE job-mode for the Grid. in: Kosch, H. and Boszormenyi, L. (ed.) Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing: 9th International Euro-Par Conference Klagenfurt, Austria, August 26-29, 2003 Proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 1281-1286

Using clusters for traffic simulation
Gourgoulis, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2003. Using clusters for traffic simulation. in: MIPRO 2003: 26th International Convention on Hypermedia and Grid Systems, Opatija, Croatia, May 19-23, 2003 Liniavera. pp. 123-128

Urban traffic simulation based on cluster computing
Gourgoulis, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2003. Urban traffic simulation based on cluster computing. microCAD 2003. Miskolc, Hungary 06-07 Mar 2003

Simulation of urban transport based on cluster computing
Gourgoulis, A., Terstyanszky, G., Kacsuk, P. and Winter, S. 2003. Simulation of urban transport based on cluster computing. in: Al-Dabass, D. (ed.) UKSIM 2003: Sixth National Conference of the United Kingdom Simulation Society, Emmanuel College, Cambridge: 9th - 11th April 2003 United Kingdom Simulation Society. pp. 220-224

Integrating temporal assertions into a parallel debugger
Kovacs, J., Kusper, G., Lovas, R. and Schreiner, W. 2002. Integrating temporal assertions into a parallel debugger. Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 2002). Paderborn, Germany 27 - 30 Aug 2002 Springer Nature.

Systematic debugging of parallel programs in DIWIDE based on collective breakpoints and macrosteps
Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R. and Kovacs, J. 1999. Systematic debugging of parallel programs in DIWIDE based on collective breakpoints and macrosteps. Euro-Par’99 Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 1999). Toulouse, France 31 Aug - 03 Sep 1999 Springer Nature.

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