Orchestrated platform for cyber-physical systems

Lovas, R., Farkas, A., Marosi, A.C., Ács, S., Kovács, J., Szalóki, Á., Kádár, B. and Kovacs, J. 2018. Orchestrated platform for cyber-physical systems. Complexity. Volume 2018 (1) 8281079. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8281079

TitleOrchestrated platform for cyber-physical systems
TypeJournal article
AuthorsLovas, R., Farkas, A., Marosi, A.C., Ács, S., Kovács, J., Szalóki, Á., Kádár, B. and Kovacs, J.

One of the main driving forces in the era of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is the introduction of massive sensor networks (or nowadays various Internet of things solutions as well) into manufacturing processes, connected cars, precision agriculture, and so on. Therefore, large amounts of sensor data have to be ingested at the server side in order to generate and make the “twin digital model” or virtual factory of the existing physical processes for (among others) predictive simulation and scheduling purposes usable. In this paper, we focus on our ultimate goal, a novel software container-based approach with cloud agnostic orchestration facilities that enable the system operators in the industry to create and manage scalable, virtual IT platforms on-demand for these two typical major pillars of CPS: (1) server-side (i.e., back-end) framework for sensor networks and (2) configurable simulation tool for predicting the behavior of manufacturing systems. The paper discusses the scalability of the applied discrete-event simulation tool and the layered back-end framework starting from simple virtual machine-level to sophisticated multilevel autoscaling use case scenario. The presented achievements and evaluations leverage on (among others) the synergy of the existing EasySim simulator, our new CQueue software container manager, the continuously developed Occopus cloud orchestrator tool, and the latest version of the evolving MiCADO framework for integrating such tools into a unified platform.

Article number8281079
Journal citationVolume 2018 (1)
Publisher's version
CC BY 4.0
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8281079
Web address (URL)http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85062370697&partnerID=MN8TOARS
Publication dates
Published05 Jul 2018

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Cárdenas-Montes, M., Emmen, E., Marosi, A.C., Araujo, F., Gombas, G., Kiss, T., Fedak, G., Kelley, I., Taylor, I., Lodygensky, O., Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Balaton, Z. and Farkas, Z. 2008. EDGeS: bridging desktop and service grids. in: IBERGRID'2008, Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Netbiblo. pp. 212-224

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Balaton, Z., Farkas, Z., Gombas, G., Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Marosi, A.C., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., Lodygensky, O., Fedak, G., Emmen, E., Kelley, I., Taylor, I., Cardenas-Montes, M. and Araujo, F. 2008. EDGeS: the common boundary between service and desktop grids. in: Gorlatch, S., Fragopoulou, P. and Priol, T. (ed.) Grid computing: achievements and prospects Springer. pp. 37-48

SZTAKI desktop grid: building a scalable, secure platform for desktop grid computing
Marosi, A.C., Gombas, G., Balaton, Z., Kacsuk, P. and Kiss, T. 2007. SZTAKI desktop grid: building a scalable, secure platform for desktop grid computing. CoreGRID. https://doi.org/CoreGRIDTechnicalReportNumberTR-0100

GRID superscalar enabled P-GRADE portal
Lovas, R., Sipos, G., Kacsuk, P., Sirvent, R., Perez, J.M. and Badia, R.M. 2007. GRID superscalar enabled P-GRADE portal. in: Gorlatch, S. and Danelutto, M. (ed.) Integrated research in GRID computing: CoreGRID Integration Workshop 2005 (selected papers), November 28-30, Pisa, Italy Berlin Springer. pp. 241-254

Correctness debugging of message passing programs using model verification techniques
Lovas, R. and Kacsuk, P. 2007. Correctness debugging of message passing programs using model verification techniques. in: Cappello, F., Herault, T. and Dongarra, J. (ed.) Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface: 14th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Paris, France, September 30 - October 3, 2007: proceedings Berlin Springer.

SZTAKI desktop grid: a modular and scalable way of building large computing grids
Balaton, Z., Gombas, G., Kacsuk, P., Kornafeld, A., Kovacs, J., Marosi, A.C., Vida, G., Podhorszki, N. and Kiss, T. 2007. SZTAKI desktop grid: a modular and scalable way of building large computing grids. in: 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007), Proceedings, 26-30 March 2007, Long Beach, California, USA Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 1-8

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Kacsuk, P., Marosi, A.C., Kovacs, J., Balaton, Z., Gombas, G., Vida, G. and Kornafeld, A. 2006. SZTAKI desktop grid: a hierarchical desktop grid system. Cracow '06 Grid Workshop. Krakow, Poland 15-18 Oct 2006

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Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R., Kovacs, J., Gombas, G., Podhorszki, N., Ovath, A.H., Horanyi, A., Szeberenyi, T., Delaitre, T. and Terstyanszky, G. 2003. Demonstration of P-GRADE job-mode for the Grid. in: Kosch, H. and Boszormenyi, L. (ed.) Euro-Par 2003 Parallel Processing: 9th International Euro-Par Conference Klagenfurt, Austria, August 26-29, 2003 Proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 1281-1286

Integrating temporal assertions into a parallel debugger
Kovacs, J., Kusper, G., Lovas, R. and Schreiner, W. 2002. Integrating temporal assertions into a parallel debugger. Euro-Par 2002 Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 2002). Paderborn, Germany 27 - 30 Aug 2002 Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45706-2_12

Systematic debugging of parallel programs in DIWIDE based on collective breakpoints and macrosteps
Kacsuk, P., Lovas, R. and Kovacs, J. 1999. Systematic debugging of parallel programs in DIWIDE based on collective breakpoints and macrosteps. Euro-Par’99 Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 1999). Toulouse, France 31 Aug - 03 Sep 1999 Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-48311-x_8

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