CreatorsRattenbury, K.

The Archigram archival project made the works of seminal experimental architectural group Archigram available free online for an academic and general audience. It was a major archival work, and a new kind of digital academic archive, displaying material held in different places around the world and variously owned. It was aimed at a wide online design community, discovering it through Google or social media, as well as a traditional academic audience. It has been widely acclaimed in both fields. The project has three distinct but interlinked aims: firstly to assess, catalogue and present the vast range of Archigram's prolific work, of which only a small portion was previously available; secondly to provide reflective academic material on Archigram and on the wider picture of their work presented; thirdly to develop a new type of non-ownership online archive, suitable for both academic research at the highest level and for casual public browsing. The project hybridised several existing methodologies. It combined practical archival and editorial methods for the recovery, presentation and contextualisation of Archigram's work, with digital web design and with the provision of reflective academic and scholarly material. It was designed by the EXP Research Group in the Department of Architecture in collaboration with Archigram and their heirs and with the Centre for Parallel Computing, School of Electronics and Computer Science, also at the University of Westminster. It was rated 'outstanding' in the AHRC's own final report and was shortlisted for the RIBA research awards in 2010. It received 40,000 users and more than 250,000 page views in its first two weeks live, taking the site into twitter’s Top 1000 sites, and a steady flow of visitors thereafter. Further statistics are included in the accompanying portfolio. This output will also be returned to by Murray Fraser for UCL.

Portfolio itemsArchigram Archival Project
PublisherUniversity of Westminster
Web address (URL)
walking city
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Portfolio items

Archigram Archival Project
Rattenbury, K. 2010. Archigram Archival Project. University of Westminster/ AHRC.

Related outputs

The Fantastical World of John Hejduk and the Widow's House
Rattenbury, K. 2022. The Fantastical World of John Hejduk and the Widow's House. 154 (Spring), pp. 58-60.

Reading Sauerbruch Hutton
Rattenbury, K. 2021. Reading Sauerbruch Hutton. in: The Turn of the Century: a Reader about Architecture in Europe 1990-2020 Lars Müller Publishers. pp. 149-154

Making Ways: A Public Lecture
Rattenbury, K. 2020. Making Ways: A Public Lecture. in: Davis, Mike and Waghorn, Kathy (ed.) Making Ways: Alternative Architectural Practices in Aotearoa Auckland, New Zealand Objectspace.

Ways of Seeing: A Reconstruction of Hardy's Wessex
Rattenbury, K. Forthcoming. Ways of Seeing: A Reconstruction of Hardy's Wessex. Proceedings, Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society.

Thomas Hardy Annual Conference and Festival: The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect
Rattenbury, K. 2018. Thomas Hardy Annual Conference and Festival: The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect. Thomas Hardy Conference and Festival. 17 - 20 Jul 2018

National Trust / Dorset County Museum Lecture
Rattenbury, K. 2018. National Trust / Dorset County Museum Lecture.

Thomas Hardy Society Annual London Lecture 2018
Rattenbury, K. 2018. Thomas Hardy Society Annual London Lecture 2018. Thomas Hardy Society Annual London Lecture 2018. The Leslie Stephen Memorial Library, Birkbeck College, London 15 Nov 2018

The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect
Rattenbury, K. 2018. The Wessex Project: Thomas Hardy, Architect. London Lund Humphries.

Provisional Beliefs: the Shared Peculiarities of Architectural Teaching and Practice
Rattenbury, K. 2017. Provisional Beliefs: the Shared Peculiarities of Architectural Teaching and Practice. Reading Emotions: Emotion, Action and Belief: Theory, Experiment and Clinical Implications. University of Reading 20 Jun - 20 Sep 2017

The Thing Itself
Rattenbury, K. 2016. The Thing Itself. in: ADAPT-r London Ambika P3 University of Westminster. pp. 73-79

Conditions for Creativity/Creative Practice
Heron, K., Rattenbury, K. and Veltcheva, M. 2016. Conditions for Creativity/Creative Practice. in: Heron, K. (ed.) The ADAPT-r Creativity Book Belgium KU Leuven. pp. 111-145

ADAPTr Exhibition
Blythe, R., Heron, K., Rattenbury, K., Van Schaik, L., Verbeke, J. and Watson, F. Heron, K. (ed.) 2016. ADAPTr Exhibition. London Ambika P3 University of Westminster.

Supervising Creative Practice PhDs/ Supervisor&Candidate Toolkit
Rattenbury, K. and Stamm, M. 2016. Supervising Creative Practice PhDs/ Supervisor&Candidate Toolkit.

(Re) Presentation: Three (or four) new (or old) projects
Rattenbury, K. 2014. (Re) Presentation: Three (or four) new (or old) projects. in: Savoirs en Architecture et Design Graphique: Quelle Relation? Valence-Grenoble B42/ ESAD.

Angel Place: A Way In to Dickens's London
Rattenbury, K. 2014. Angel Place: A Way In to Dickens's London. in: Borden, I., Fraser, M. and Penner, B. (ed.) Forty Ways to Think About Architecture: Architectural History and Theory Today Chichester Wiley. pp. 168-173
Rattenbury, K. 2013. University of Westminster.

Too good to be true: the survival of English everyday PoMo
Rattenbury, K. 2011. Too good to be true: the survival of English everyday PoMo. Architectural Design. 81 (5), pp. 106-113.

Archigram Archival Project
Rattenbury, K. 2010. Archigram Archival Project. University of Westminster/ AHRC.

Architects today: the hundred greatest living architects
Rattenbury, K., Bevan, R. and Long, K. 2005. Architects today: the hundred greatest living architects. London, UK Laurence King.

Conclusion: reappraising Farrell
Rattenbury, K. 2004. Conclusion: reappraising Farrell. in: Farrell, T. (ed.) Place: a story of modelmaking, menageries and paper rounds; Terry Farrell: life and work: early years to 1981 London, UK Laurence King Publishing Ltd. pp. 277-284

Archaeology of the air: O'Donnell and Tuomey, Architecture
Rattenbury, K. 2004. Archaeology of the air: O'Donnell and Tuomey, Architecture. Trieste, Italy Navado Press.

Strange (but optimistic) fruit
Rattenbury, K. 2003. Strange (but optimistic) fruit. in: Hardingham, S. (ed.) Cedric Price: opera Chichester, UK Wiley. pp. 72-73

The essential eye: British Airways London Eye
Rattenbury, K. 2002. The essential eye: British Airways London Eye. London, UK HarperCollins.

The house book
Rattenbury, K. 2001. The house book. London, UK Phaidon.

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1950 total views
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These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.