London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene

DirectorMatt Lipsey
One line synopsisThe London underground music scene, including scenes of Pressure Drop, The Sandals, Spiral Tribe, Jah Shaka, etc., in rehearsal and performance.

Views in Underground railway tunnels. Commuters. Traffic. Platforms. Trains. Caption: "The Sunday School Rehearsal Studio." Caption: "Vegetable Vision (Light Show) meet The Sandals for a demonstration." Musicians and technicians setting up instruments and testing equipment. Caption: "Barry Andrews filming Sacred City."
Crew and actors. Caption: "Evolution Records; Fraser and Rick." Fraser and Rick being interviewed by a young Japanese journalist. Captions: "11:59 in rehearsal." "6.30 p.m." Rehearsal studios. Oh Man What Have You Done? Interview with Fraser about underground house music. The filming: red-painted actor coming out of telephone box. The interviewer asks their opinions on rave events which Fraser says used to "dance the sun up" and connects to nature. Rick points out that raves in the countryside are not controlled in the way that concerts are. House music returns the music to the people.
Rehearsal rooms. Aubrey, 11:59’s Security, explaining to interviewer why he’s needed. Musicians rehearsing. Everything’s All Right on the Night. Train. Another 11:59 number over view over London at night. Captions: "10:30 p.m." "Soho." Street scenes, traffic, people in cafés, queuing for clubs. Caption: "Mambo Inn." People dancing. DJ. Caption: "A rave organiser somewhere in London." Talks about the event having been prevented from happening by police intervention. Caption: "Jah Shaka (Sound System) at the Rocket." Jah Shaka adjusting the equipment. People dancing to the reggae music. Escalators. Caption: "Saturday 5:00 a.m." Market traders. Underground trains. Captions: "Saturday 9:00 a.m." "D.H.S.S. – an anarchistic artists collective leave for a film shoot." Caption: "Leftfield cut their new single – on vinyl." Neil Barnes and Paul Daley talking about the recording. Cutting the master disc. Caption: "Photographic shoot on the theme of exploiting animals for fashion."
Models being made up and dressed, props painted, etc. Captions: "11:30 a.m. Dalston High Street." "D.H.S.S. set up a scene for their film – the theme is madness."
Derelict site. Making-up and dressing actors. Filming. Caption: "Dave and Justin – Pressure Drop a.k.a. Blood Brothers." Pressure Drop in the recently established BBBC (Blood Brothers’ Broadcasting Corporation) sound studio, interviewing Leftfield about their work. Caption: "‘Somewhere’ in North London – Spiral Tribe."
Members of Spiral Tribe talking about the "free party" movement and about techno music. D.H.S.S filming.
Caption: "Raw Stylus: Jules with a new idea for a song." Musicians trying sequences. Caption: "The Sandals’ place." People sitting around. One painting on the floor. Couple kissing. Caption: "Portobello Road – the Other Side." Market scenes. Music (Heart to Heart and Knocking at Your Door) over. Inside Honest John’s record shop. Blood Brothers. D.H.S.S. actors carrying "patient" across the road. Captions: "7:00 p.m." "Tongue Kung Fu – the Sandals Club." Leftfield and others setting up for event. Captions: "10:00 p.m." "Jazz Café – D’Note live." Rapper and backing group. Music continues over night shots from moving vehicle in Blackwall Tunnel and elsewhereCaption: "The Pullit Art Gallery – Party." Performance pieces; music over. Captions: "Sunday 1:00 a.m." "Tongue Kung Fu." Scenes in club. Caption: "Phil Dirtbox arrives at his club." Phil Dirtbox walking towards the club, wondering why people are leaving. Caption: "A rave at Art Space/ Life Space – all tribes meet." Dancers and performers. Caption: "The Dirtbox." People in the club. Phil Dirtbox performing. Caption: "Sunday 5:30 a.m." Phil Dirtbox outside the club. Credits.

Production companyWilkinson-IPH
Running time53 minutes
Full credits

Music: Pressure Drop,
The Sandals,
Spiral Tribe,
Raw Stylus,
Joanna Law,
Jah Shaka,
The Producers would like to thank London Transport,
The Face,
Dazed & Confused,
Phillip Fowlen,
The Pussy Posse,
Paul Bradshaw,
Chris & Joanna Law,
Christine Woodbridge,
Kevin Beadle,
Ernie McKone,
Marion Sparks,
Kate Blow,
Paolo Hewitt,
Ollie Buckwell,
Tony Wilkinson,
Lisa Horan,
Nicky Ezer,
Nick Okwulu,
The Egg,
The Sunday School,
Matthew Glamore,
The Rocket,
Scott & Ben,
Charlotte Chouvenc,
Wibbly Wobbly World of Music,
Jackie, Natalie & Neil at Motivations.
Special thanks to Justin, Dave, Sieglinde, Jochen, Norbert & our partners at Boombastic Records for their help and support.
Runner Robin Timothy;
Driver Owen Boyle;
Production Assistant Rebecca Sampson;
Assistant Director Mark Wild;
Second Unit Assistants Simon Knight,
Rick Moore,
Tom Green;
Second Unit Cameramen David Bickley,
Terry Gross,
Joao Sarmento,
Christopher Hughes,
Connor Connelly,
Jed Lered;
Assistant Producer Simon Lewis;
Associate Producers Martin Brem,
Richard Gooderick;
Production Manager Phil Benton;
3D Sound Effects Virtuals;
On-line Editor Charlie Phillips at Inphase Digital;
Sound Recordist Daniel Clark;
Post-production Sound Marvin Black;
Editor David Lewis;
Cameraman Sebastian Dewsbury;
Executive Producer Stephan Beringer;
Producer David Nicholas Wilkinson;
Director Matt Lipsey;
A Wilkinson-IPH Production for International Design & Entertainment.
© IDE GmbH 1992.

Film segmentLondon Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.2
London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.3
London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.4
London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.5
London Underground. 36 hours in the life of the London underground scene - ACE244.6
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