Mrs Evgeniya Macleod

Mrs Evgeniya Macleod


Public University Identity Shift From Philanthropy To Social Enterprise
Macleod, E. 2023. Public University Identity Shift From Philanthropy To Social Enterprise. MBAcademy International Business Conference 2023. Bournemouth University, UK 20 - 22 Jul 2023 Management & Business Academy.


"I've Seen You": A conversation about the Transformative Potential of Working in Partnership
Fraser, J., Usman, M., Thomas, K.C., Ahmed, M., Dolidze, A., Zuruwath Zareer, F., Begum, G., Elliott, B. and Macleod, E. 2020. "I've Seen You": A conversation about the Transformative Potential of Working in Partnership. in: Mercer-Mapstone, L. and Abbot, S. (ed.) The Power of Partnership: Students, Staff and Faculty Revolutionizing Higher Education Elon, North Carolina Elon University. pp. 205-219


Why don't they act on it? Helping students use feedback effectively - The case study of Mega modules - BKEY401, BBUS401 and BKEY601 on improving students' feedback
Macleod, E., Williams, D., Balu, K., Patel, Z. and Christodoulou, I. 2015. Why don't they act on it? Helping students use feedback effectively - The case study of Mega modules - BKEY401, BBUS401 and BKEY601 on improving students' feedback. 5th Biannual WBS Learning and Teaching Day. University of Westminster 11 Jun 2015

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570 total views of outputs
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