Prof David Chandler

Prof David Chandler

Podcasts, blog pieces, interviews and recorded lectures are available here:

Sawyer Seminar: ‘From Neoliberalism to the Anthropocene’, University of Arizon

Stakeholder event and Talk/presentation / 20 Apr 2023

Hope in the Anthropocene. Public lecture, Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance, Hochschule Fulda/ Fulda University of Applied Science, Germany.

Talk/presentation / 16 Jan 2023

Facets of Resilience conference, Czech EU Presidency, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Talk/presentation / 21 Nov 2022

‘Hope in the Anthropocene: the Speculative, the Pragmatic and the Nihilist’, Faculty of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Talk/presentation / 03 Nov 2022

16th NATO Operations Research and Analysis Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

Talk/presentation / 17 Oct 2022

Climate Security: Toward a critical conceptualization, University of Hamburg

Stakeholder event and Talk/presentation / 28 Sep 2022

Philosophy for our Times, Google podcast. ‘Islands and the End of Modernity’, 12 October 2021.

Talk/presentation / 20 Feb 2022

EISA sponsored roundtable on teaching International Relations in the Anthropocene

Stakeholder event and Talk/presentation / 15 Apr 2021

nstitute of Art and Ideas video, Debates & Talks: Islands and the End of Modernity, David Chandler, HowTheLightGetsIn Winter Revel, 20 February 2021.

Stakeholder event and Workshop / 20 Feb 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Good, Julian Baggini, David Chandler, Ece Temelkuran. Myriam Francois hosts. HowTheLightGetsIn Winter Revel, 20 February 2021.

Talk/presentation / 20 Feb 2021