Prof David Chandler

The Black Anthropocene: And the End(s) of the Constitutionalizing Project2024
Critique beyond Relation: The Stakes of Working with the Negative, the Void, and the Abyss2024
Encounter, Critique, and Postcritique: A Play in Two Acts2024
Justice ‘to Come’? Decolonial Deconstruction, from Postmodern Policymaking to the Black Horizon2024
Refusing the Lure of the Human and the World, part of Forum: At the crossroads – Critical perspectives on the study of climate security2024
Problematising the Geographic Subject: an abyssal approach2024
On international law and Gaza: critical reflections2024
The World as Abyss2024
Posthumous Resilience and Active Withdrawal: Byronic Contemplation of Violence and Vulnerabilities in the Anthropocene Embodied in the Sculpture of the Dying Gaul2024
The Politics of the Unseen: Speculative, Pragmatic and Nihilist Hope in the Anthropocene2024
Critique and the Black Horizon: Questioning the Move ‘Beyond’ the Human/Nature divide in International Relations2023
Actor Network Theory and Sensing Governance: From Causation to Correlation2023
After the End of the World? Rethinking Temporalities of Critique and Affirmation in the Anthropocene2023
Hope after ‘the end of the world’: Rethinking critique in the Anthropocene2023
Rethinking “Hope” and “Resilience” in the Anthropocene: An Interview with David Chandler2023
Abyssal geography2022
Critique and the Coloniality of Being: Rethinking Development Discourses of Encounter2022
Interstitial and Abyssal Geographies2022
Another Decolonial Approach is Possible: International Studies in an Antiblack World2022
International Relations in the Anthropocene2022
The asymmetrical anthropocene: resilience and the limits of posthumanism2022
Decolonising resilience: reading Glissant’s Poetics of Relation in Central Eurasia2022
The Black Horizon: Alterity and Ontology in the Anthropocene2021
Response: the Anthropocene Islands agenda2021
A Call for Abolition: The Disavowal and Displacement of Race in Critical Security Studies2021
Anthropocene Islands: there are only islands after the end of the world2021
Islands and the rise of correlational epistemology in the Anthropocene: rethinking the trope of the ‘canary in the coalmine’2020
Review Essay: Biopolitics 2.0 – Reclaiming the Power of Life in the Anthropocene2020
Islands of relationality and resilience: the shifting stakes of the Anthropocene2020
Forum: Complex Systems and International Governance2020
The Coronavirus: Biopolitics and the Rise of ‘Anthropocene Authoritarianism’2020
Coronavirus and the End of Resilience2020
Becoming Indigenous: The ‘Speculative Turn’ in Anthropology and the (Re)colonization of Indigeneity2020
Security through societal resilience: Contemporary challenges in the Anthropocene2020
The Rise of Data-Driven Governance2019
Rethinking the Ambiguities of Abstraction in the Anthropocene2019
The Death of Hope? Affirmation in the Anthropocene2019
The Transvaluation of Critique in the Anthropocene2019
Forum 2: The migrant climate: resilience, adaptation and the ontopolitics of mobility in the Anthropocene2019
Resilience and the End(s) of the Politics of Adaptation2019
Datafying the Globe: Critical Insights into the Global Politics of Big Data Governance2019
Kosovo: Statebuilding Utopia and Reality2019
Rethinking the Role of the Armed Forces in Statebuilding: From Annihilation to Acceptance2018
'Being in Being': Contesting the Ontopolitics of Indigeneity Today2018
Intervention and Statebuilding beyond the Human: From the ‘Black Box’ to the ‘Great Outdoors’2013
Resilience and the autotelic subject: toward a critique of the societalization of securityAnthropocene Authoritarianism (Critique in Times of Corona)
Chandler, D. Forthcoming. Anthropocene Authoritarianism (Critique in Times of Corona). Critical Legal Thinking.
Rethinking the Anthropocene as Carnivalocene2018
Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Liberal Cosmopolitan IR: A Response to Burke et al.’s ‘Planet Politics’2017
Securing the Anthropocene? International Policy Experiments in Digital Hacktivism: A Case Study of Jakarta2017
Introduction: resilience and the Anthropocene: the stakes of ‘renaturalising’ politics2016
How the World Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Failure: Big Data, Resilience and Emergent Causality2016
Post-Political Ontologies and the Problems of Anti-Anthropocentrism: Reply to Tsouvalis2016
New Narratives of International Security Governance: The Shift from Global Interventionism to Global Self-Policing2015
A World without Causation: Big Data and the Coming of Age of Posthumanism2015
Contesting postliberalism: governmentality or emancipation?2015
The R2P is Dead, Long Live the R2P: The Successful Separation of Military Intervention from the Responsibility to Protect’2015
Resilience and critique2015
Rethinking the Conflict-Poverty Nexus: From Securitising Intervention to Resilience2015
Reconceptualising International Intervention: Statebuilding, ‘Organic Processes’ and the Limits of Causal Knowledge2014
Resilience and the 'everyday': beyond the paradox of 'liberal peace'2014
Beyond neoliberalism: resilience, the new art of governing complexity2014
Beyond good and evil: the onto-ethics of global complexity2014
Democracy unbound? Non-linear politics and the politicization of everyday life2013
Resilience ethics: responsibility and the globally embedded subject2013
Promoting democratic norms? Social constructivism and the "subjective" limits to liberalism2013
Peacebuilding and the politics of non-linearity: rethinking ‘hidden’ agency and ‘resistance’2013
‘Human-centred development? Rethinking “freedom” and "agency" in discourses of international development2013
No emancipatory alternative, no critical security studies2013
Resisting resilience? Reply to Mark Neocleous2013
The world of attachment? The post-humanist challenge to freedom and necessity2013
International statebuilding and the ideology of resilience2012
Le point de vue de David Chandler2012
Development as freedom?: from colonialism to countering climate change2012
Comment le state-building affaiblit les Etats2012
Resilience and human security: the post-interventionist paradigm2010
Forget Foucault, forget Foucault, forget Foucault...2010
R2P or not R2P? More statebuilding, less responsibility2010
The EU and Southeastern Europe: the rise of post-liberal governance2010
Liberal war and Foucaultian metaphysics2010
Globalising Foucault: turning critique into apologia — a response to Kiersey and Rosenow2010
Review article: Risk and the biopolitics of global insecurity2010
Race, culture and civil society: peacebuilding discourse and the understanding of difference2010
The uncritical critique of 'liberal peace'2009
Unravelling the paradox of the 'responsibility to protect'2009
Iraq and the problematic discourse of defeat2009
A Dialogue on international interventions: when are they a right or an obligation?2009
Critiquing liberal cosmopolitanism? The limits of the biopolitical approach2009
War without end(s): grounding the discourse of 'global war'2009
The global ideology: rethinking the politics of the 'global turn' in IR2008
Review article: Theorising the shift from security to insecurity: Kaldor, Duffield and Furedi2008
The limits of post-territorial political community: from the cosmopolitan politics of global civil society to the biopolitics of the multitude2008
Avrupa Birliği Ulus Đnsaasi: Liberal Barisi Ab Genislemesiyle Güven Altina Alma2008
The revival of Carl Schmitt in international relations: the last refuge of critical theorists?2008
Review essay: Human security: the dog that didn't bark2008
Human security II: waiting for the tail to wag the dog - a rejoinder to Ambrosetti, Owen and Wibben2008
Normative power and the liberal peace: a rejoinder to John O'Brennan2008
Textual and critical approaches to reading Schmitt: rejoinder to Odysseos and Petito2007
Hollow Hegemony: theorising the shift from interest-based to value-based international policy-making2007
European Union statebuilding: securing the liberal peace through EU enlargement2007
The security-development nexus and the rise of 'anti-foreign policy'2006
Back to the future? The limits of neo-Wilsonian ideals of exporting democracy2004
Building global civil society 'from below'?2004
The problems of 'nation-building': imposing bureaucratic 'rule from above'2003
New rights for old? Cosmopolitan citizenship and the critique of state sovereignty2002
Anti-corruption strategies and democratization in Bosnia-Herzegovina2001
The road to military humanitarianism: how the human rights NGOs shaped a new humanitarian agenda2025
Race in the Anthropocene: Coloniality, Disavowal and the Black Horizon2024
Race in the Anthropocene: Coloniality, Disavowal and the Black Horizon2021
Anthropocene Islands: Entangled Worlds2019
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data2019
Mapping and Politics in the Digital Age2019
Becoming Indigenous: Governing Imaginaries in the Anthropocene2018
Ontopolitics in the Anthropocene: An Introduction to Mapping, Sensing and Hacking2017
Peacebuilding: The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1997-20172016
The Neoliberal Subject: Resilience, Adaptation and Vulnerability2014
Resilience: the governance of complexity2013
Freedom vs necessity in international relations: human-centred approaches to security and development2013
The Routledge handbook of international statebuilding2010
Critical perspectives on human security: discourses of emancipation and regimes of power2010
International statebuilding: the rise of post-liberal governance2009
Hollow hegemony: rethinking global politics, power and resistance2009
Statebuilding and intervention: policies, practices and paradigms2006
Peace without politics?: ten years of international state-building in Bosnia2006
From Kosovo to Kabul: human rights and international intervention. 2nd edition2006
Empire in denial: the politics of state-building2004
Constructing global civil society: morality and power in international relations2002
From Kosovo to Kabul: human rights and international intervention2002
Rethinking human rights: critical approaches to international politics2000
Bosnia: faking democracy after Dayton2024
Book review: Development After the End of the World: Lives Amid Violence: Transforming Development in the Wake of Conflict, by Mareike Schomerus, London, Bloomsbury, 2022, 158 pp., £28.99 (paperback), £85.00 (hardback), $115.00 (hardback), ISBN 9780755640836. Civil Wars, 1–3.
Book review essay: The Paradox of the 'Responsibility to Protect'2025
Race as a Technology2025
Unlearning Development2025
Unsettling Peace2025
How Race Matters2025
Another Approach to Decoloniality is Possible2025
The Black Horizon in Context2025
The Weather Is Always a Method2021
There are Only Islands After the End of the World2021
Conclusion: A Critical Agenda for the Anthropocene2021
Correlation: Registers of Change2021
Patchworks: The Ontology of the World2021
Resilience: The Power of Interactive Life2019
Subjects, Contexts and Modes of Critique. A Response to Jodi Dean2019
Appropriation of Digital Machines and Appropriation of Fixed Capital as the Real Appropriation of Social Being: Reflections on Toni Negri’s Chapter2019
Karl Marx in the Age of Big Data Capitalism2019
Beyond Big Data Capitalism, Towards Dialectical Digital Modernity: Reflections on David Chandler’s Chapter2019
Introduction: Big Data Capitalism – Politics, Activism, and Theory2019
About ‘terms and conditions’: The Aadhar biometric identification programme as a mapping analytic2018
From the cartographic gaze to contestatory cartographies2014
The semantics of "crisis management": simulation and EU statebuilding in the Balkans2014
The onto-politics of assemblages2013
Where is the human in human-centred approaches to development? A critique of Amartya Sen’s ‘Development as Freedom’2013
Human security: the dog that didn't bark2013
Contemporary critiques of human rights2013
Born posthumously: rethinking the shared characteristics of the ICC and R2P2012
The limits of post-territorial political community2011
Understanding the gap between the promise and the reality of the responsibility to protect2009
The myth of the failed state and the war on terror2009
The limits of post-territorial political community: from the cosmopolitan politics of global civil society to the biopolitics of the mulititude2009
Radicalism and the demand for global politics2009
Introduction: beyond managing contradictions2009
Ideological (mis)use of human rights2009
Great power responsibility and "failed states": strengthening sovereignty?2009
Global civil society2009
EU statebuilding: securing the liberal peace through EU enlargement2009
Balkan statebuilding: governance but not government2009
Balkan Devlet Đnsasi: Yönetim Değil, Yönetisim’ (trans Ayse Merve Kamaci)2008
The EU’s promotion of democracy in the Balkans