Dr Sacha Darke

Dr Sacha Darke


The Importance of Social Visits to Prisoners
Darke, S. and Gordon, C. 2024. The Importance of Social Visits to Prisoners. Prison Service Journal. 272, pp. 33-40.


The importance of social visits to prisoners
Darke, S. and Gordon, C. 2024. The importance of social visits to prisoners. Prison Service Journal. 272, pp. 33-40.


Against bifurcation: why it’s in the best interests of convict criminology to be international in scope and not a collection of individual country level organisations
Aresti, A., Darke, S. and Ross, J.I. 2023. Against bifurcation: why it’s in the best interests of convict criminology to be international in scope and not a collection of individual country level organisations. Justice, Power and Resistance. 6 (2), pp. 246-261. https://doi.org/10.1332/HINO6106


What are the barriers to the development of convict criminology in Australia?
Carey, L., Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2022. What are the barriers to the development of convict criminology in Australia? Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 30 (1), pp. 77-96. https://doi.org/10.18192/jpp.v30i1.6224


Coloniality, just war & carceral injustice in Brazil
Darke, S. and Khan, O. 2021. Coloniality, just war & carceral injustice in Brazil. Punishment and Society. 23 (5), pp. 723-740. https://doi.org/10.1177/14624745211041849


Novel Psychoactive Substances in Custodial Settings: A Mixed Method Investigation on the Experiences of People in Prison and Professionals Working With Them
Corazza, O., Coloccini, S.M., Marrinan, S., Vigar, M., Watkins, C., Zene, C., Negri, A., Aresti, A., Darke, S., Rinaldi, R., Metastasio, A. and Bersani, G. 2020. Novel Psychoactive Substances in Custodial Settings: A Mixed Method Investigation on the Experiences of People in Prison and Professionals Working With Them. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11 460. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00460


Interpreting the Development and Growth of Convict Criminology in South America
Ross, J.I. and Darke, S. 2018. Interpreting the Development and Growth of Convict Criminology in South America . Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 27 (2), pp. 108-117.


Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism
Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2018. Developing Insider Perspectives in Research Activism. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 27 (2), pp. 3-16.


Connecting prisons and universities through higher education
Darke, S. and Aresti, A. 2016. Connecting prisons and universities through higher education. Prison Service Journal. (225), pp. 26-32.


Bridging the gap: giving public voice to prisoners and former prisoners through research activism
Aresti, A., Darke, S. and Manlow, D. 2016. Bridging the gap: giving public voice to prisoners and former prisoners through research activism. Prison Service Journal. 224, pp. 3-13.


From dispersed to monopolized violence: expansion and consolidation of the Primeiro Comando da Capital's hegemony in São Paulo's prisons
Dias Camila and Darke, S. 2016. From dispersed to monopolized violence: expansion and consolidation of the Primeiro Comando da Capital's hegemony in São Paulo's prisons. Crime, Law and Social Change. 65 (3), pp. 213-225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-015-9578-2


British convict criminology: developing critical insider perspectives on prison
Aresti, A., Darke, S. and Earle, R. 2012. British convict criminology: developing critical insider perspectives on prison. Inside Time.


Darke, S. 2023. Préfácio. in: Outra Visão


Las masacres del norte de brasil
Darke, S. 2023. Las masacres del norte de brasil. in: Gabriel Ignacio, Anitua e Iñaki and Rivera Beiras (ed.) Muertes Evitables: Violencia Institucional y Masacre en Cárceles Sudamericanas EDUNPAZ, Editorial Universitaria. pp. 301-344


Radical alternatives to punitive detention
Darke, S. 2022. Radical alternatives to punitive detention. in: Sozzo, M. (ed.) Prisons, Inmates and Governance in Latin America Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 329-363


Global criminology 2: Transnational criminology
Darke, S. 2021. Global criminology 2: Transnational criminology. in: Case, S., Johnson, P., Manlow, D., Smith, R. and Williams, K. (ed.) The Oxford Textbook on Criminology Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 409-439


Global criminology 1: Comparative criminology
Darke, S. 2021. Global criminology 1: Comparative criminology. in: Case, S., Johnson., P., Manlow, D., Smith, R. and Williams, K. (ed.) The Oxford Textbook on Criminology Oxford Oxford University Press. pp. 375-407


Self-governing prison communities
Darke, S. 2021. Self-governing prison communities. in: Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 61-87


Ethnographic reflexivity and ethics of community in the new mass carceral zone
Garces, C. and Darke, S. 2021. Ethnographic reflexivity and ethics of community in the new mass carceral zone. in: Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-35


Crossing borders, pushing boundaries and privileging ‘marginalised’ voices: Shaping the future of Convict Criminology in the UK
Bozkurt, S., Merico, M., Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2020. Crossing borders, pushing boundaries and privileging ‘marginalised’ voices: Shaping the future of Convict Criminology in the UK. in: Ross, J.I. and Vianello, F. (ed.) Convict Criminology for the Future London Routledge. pp. 21-34


Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster
Darke, S., Aresti, A., Faisal, A. B. and Ellis-Rexhi, N. 2020. Prisoner university partnerships at Westminster. in: Shecaira, S.S., Ferrarini, L.G.B. and Almeida, J.D.M. (ed.) Criminologoa: Estudos em Homenagem ao Alvino Augusto de Sá Belo Horizonte: D'Placido. pp. 475-498


Supporting prisoners into academia
Darke, S., Aresti, A. and Ellis-Rexhi, N. 2018. Supporting prisoners into academia. in: Friso, V. and Ducembrotto, L. (ed.) Università e Carcere: Il Diritto allo Studio tra Vincoli e Progettualità Guerini e Associati. pp. 217-237


Latin American prisons
Darke, S. and Karam, M.L. 2016. Latin American prisons. in: Jewkes, Y., Bennett, J. and Crewe, B. (ed.) Handbook on prisons. 2nd edition Abington Routledge.


Recoverers helping recoverers: discipline and peer-facilitated reform in Brazilian faith-based prisons
Darke, S. 2015. Recoverers helping recoverers: discipline and peer-facilitated reform in Brazilian faith-based prisons. in: Miller, V. and Campbell, J. (ed.) Transnational penal cultures: new perspectives on discipline, punishment and desistance London Routledge. pp. 217-229


Prison Life, Sociology of: Recent Perspectives from the United Kingdom
Drake, D., Darke, S. and Earle, R. 2015. Prison Life, Sociology of: Recent Perspectives from the United Kingdom. in: Wright, J. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd edition Oxford Elsevier.


Administrando o cotidiano da prisao no Brasil (Managing everyday prison life in Brazil)
Darke, S. and Karam, M.L. 2012. Administrando o cotidiano da prisao no Brasil (Managing everyday prison life in Brazil). in: Discursos Sediciosos N.19/20: crime, direito e sociedade Brazil Editora Revan.


Preface to the Brazilian edition
Darke, S. and Karam, M.L. 2021. Preface to the Brazilian edition. Tirant Brasil.


What's Causing Brazil's Prison Massacres?
Darke, S. and Garces, C. 2017. What's Causing Brazil's Prison Massacres? Centre for Crime and Justice Studies.


Who is really in control of Brazil's Prisons?
Darke, S. 2017. Who is really in control of Brazil's Prisons? The Conversation.


Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons
Darke, S. and Garces, C. 2017. Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons. H M Prison Service.


On the inside: Insider perspectives on prison reform
Darke, S. 2012. On the inside: Insider perspectives on prison reform. Reclaim Justice Network.


Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century
Darke, S., Garces, C., Duno-Gottberg, L. and Antillano, A. (ed.) 2021. Carceral Communities in Latin America: Troubling Prison Worlds in the 21st Century. London Palgrave Macmillan.


Conviviality and Survival: Co-Producing Brazilian Prison Order
Darke, S. 2018. Conviviality and Survival: Co-Producing Brazilian Prison Order. Palgrave Macmillan.


‘Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons', Prison Service Journal, 229
Darke, S. and Garces, C. (ed.) 2017. ‘Informal dynamics of survival in Latin American prisons', Prison Service Journal, 229. H M Prison Service.


Editors: Special edition of Journal of Prisoners on Prisons: Twenty years of Convict Criminology
Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2019. Editors: Special edition of Journal of Prisoners on Prisons: Twenty years of Convict Criminology. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. 27 (2).


Book review: Voices from American Prisons: Faith, Education and Healing by Stern, K.
Darke, S. 2017. Book review: Voices from American Prisons: Faith, Education and Healing by Stern, K. Prison Service Journal. 233, pp. 46-47.


Book review: Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, V. & Ryan, M. (eds.)
Darke, S. 2016. Book review: Punishment in Europe: A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems by Ruggiero, V. & Ryan, M. (eds.). Prison Service Journal. 227, pp. 46-48.


Book review: Carceral geography: spaces and practices of incarceration (by Dominique Moran)
Darke, S. 2016. Book review: Carceral geography: spaces and practices of incarceration (by Dominique Moran). Prison Service Journal. 225, pp. 58-59.


Book Review: The globalization of supermax prisons
Darke, S. 2015. Book Review: The globalization of supermax prisons. International Criminal Justice Review. 25 (2), pp. 215-216. https://doi.org/10.1177/1057567714565234


Book review: Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Managing Crime in High Crime Areas by Walklate, S. & Evans, K.
Darke, S. 2001. Book review: Zero Tolerance or Community Tolerance? Managing Crime in High Crime Areas by Walklate, S. & Evans, K. Theoretical Criminology. 5 (2), pp. 265-267. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362480601005002007


Surviving in the new mass carceral zone
Darke, S. and Garces, C. 2017. Surviving in the new mass carceral zone. Prison Service Journal. 229, pp. 2-9.


Practicing convict criminology: lessons learned from British academic activism
Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2016. Practicing convict criminology: lessons learned from British academic activism. Critical Criminology: an International Journal. 24 (4), pp. 533-547. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-016-9327-6


Open prisons: An ex-prisoner perspective
Aresti, A. and Darke, S. 2015. Open prisons: An ex-prisoner perspective. Prison Service Journal. 217, pp. 14-16.


Comunidades Prisionais Autoadministradas: o Fenômeno APAC [Self-governing prison communities: the APAC phenomenon]
Darke, S. 2014. Comunidades Prisionais Autoadministradas: o Fenômeno APAC [Self-governing prison communities: the APAC phenomenon]. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais. 107, pp. 257-276.


Developing convict criminology beyond North America
Ross, J.I., Darke, S., Aresti, A., Newbold, G. and Earle, R. 2014. Developing convict criminology beyond North America. International Criminal Justice Review. 24 (2), pp. 121-133. https://doi.org/10.1177/1057567714531484


Managing without guards in a Brazilian police lockup
Darke, S. 2014. Managing without guards in a Brazilian police lockup. Focaal. 68, pp. 55-67. https://doi.org/10.3167/fcl.2014.680104


Closing and opening prisons: interview with Jeremy Wright, minister for prisons and probation
Darke, S. 2014. Closing and opening prisons: interview with Jeremy Wright, minister for prisons and probation. Prison Service Journal. 215, pp. 28-33.


Inmate governance in Brazilian prisons
Darke, S. 2013. Inmate governance in Brazilian prisons. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 52 (3), pp. 272-284. https://doi.org/10.1111/hojo.12010


Entangled staff-inmate relations
Darke, S. 2013. Entangled staff-inmate relations. Prison Service Journal. 207, pp. 16-22.


Informal prison dynamics in Africa and Latin America
Garces, C., Martin, T. and Darke, S. 2013. Informal prison dynamics in Africa and Latin America. Criminal Justice Matters. 91 (1), pp. 26-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/09627251.2013.778756


Estacao Carandiru
Darke, S. 2012. Estacao Carandiru. Prison Service Journal. 199, pp. 26-28.


The enforcement approach to crime prevention
Darke, S. 2011. The enforcement approach to crime prevention. Critical Social Policy. 31 (3), pp. 410-430. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261018311405012


A prevenção da criminalidade na Inglaterra e no País de Gales (Crime prevention in England and Wales)
Darke, S. 2009. A prevenção da criminalidade na Inglaterra e no País de Gales (Crime prevention in England and Wales). Ultima Ratio. 3, pp. 199-240.


Crime and disorder
Darke, S. 2007. Crime and disorder. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Law https://doi.org/10.34737/91x70

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