A theory of media production Dwyer, P. 2019. A theory of media production. in: Dwyer, P. (ed.) London Routledge.
Flexibility, Innovation, and Precarity in the Television Industry Dwyer, P. 2019. Flexibility, Innovation, and Precarity in the Television Industry. in: Deuze, Mark and Prenger, Mirjam (ed.) Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions Amsterdam Amsterdam University Press. pp. 347-359
Managing Creativity in Media Organisations Dwyer, P. 2016. Managing Creativity in Media Organisations. in: Ferrell Lowe, G. and Brown, C. (ed.) Managing Media Firms and Industries Switzerland Springer. pp. 343-365
Online Radio: A Social Media Business? Dwyer, P. 2013. Online Radio: A Social Media Business? in: Friedrichsen, M. and Mühl-Benninghaus, W. (ed.) Handbook of social media management: value chain and business models in changing media markets Heidelberg ; New York ; Dordrecht ; London Springer. pp. 455-475
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