Ms Jane Stonestreet


Influences apparent in undergraduate course design
Stonestreet, J. 2024. Influences apparent in undergraduate course design. Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2024. Swansea University 11 - 12 Apr 2024


Designing a Law degree: The cultural construction of a narrative
Stonestreet, J. 2024. Designing a Law degree: The cultural construction of a narrative. Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2024. University of Portsmouth 26 - 28 Mar 2024


The value of student research as a learning tool
Stonestreet, J., Francis, B. and Chongo, E. 2024. The value of student research as a learning tool. Advance HE Students as Co-creators Symposium. Online 31 Jan 2024


Co Chair Roundtable session "How to design a law degree"
Stonestreet, J. 2023. Co Chair Roundtable session "How to design a law degree". Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2023. Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference 2023 17 2013 - 18 Apr 2023

Usage Statistics
101 total views of outputs
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These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.