Dr Paul Elmer

Dr Paul Elmer began teaching in business schools in 1999. His clear focus is on teaching, and on curriculum design that enhances working lives; his career has developed around his enthusiasm for delivering a learning experience that students and employers find relevant and future-orientated. His scholarly focus is the future of work, in particular creative and cultural labour. Paul is a former central government civil servant who has continued to contribute to HE policy and strategy at institutional, regional and national levels.
2018 Assistant Head of College (Education and Students) Westminster Business School
2016 Head of Academic Development College of Business, Law and Applied Social Sciences, Uclan
2015 Head of School, Journalism, Language and Communication, Uclan
2014 Head of School , Journalism and Media, Uclan
2011 Head of International Programmes, Uclan
2009 Principal lecturer, Leeds Business School
2003 Senior Lecturer Lancashire Business School
2000 Head of public relations, University of Bath
1999 Senior Lecturer, Lancashire Business School
1996 Head: Command Public Relations, Royal Navy
1996 PR Officer HMS Osprey
1995 Senior PR Advisor, MoD/UN, Bosnia
1992 Editor, Future Publishing, Bath
1991 PR officer, Army
1988 Journalist, Haymarket Magazines, London
Board Member, Association de Consultation et Recherches Européennes Academique (ACREA)
Board member, PR series, European Institute Publishing House
Member, European Public Relations Research Association
Elmer P (in press) UK Working lives; the experience of cultural and creative labour, London, CIPD/BEIS
Elmer P (in press) Auto-ethnography, Research Methods Papers series, London, Sage
Elmer P (2018) Public Relations People: Occupational culture and the search for profitable sense, ISBN 978-1-5342-0404-1 Glasstree Academic Publishing
Elmer P (2011) Public relations and storytelling in Edwards L and Hodges C (eds) Public Relations: Society and Culture, Abingdon, Routledge
Elmer P (2010) Re-Encountering the PR Man, PRism, Vol 7 (4),
Elmer P (2009) Public relations people: cultural work and workers, CIPR Academic Conference, University of Stirling September 2009
Elmer P (2009) PR: Can it handle the truth? Uclan public lecture, 2009
Elmer P (2008) Beyond Bourdieu: body work in the cultural industries, Radical PR symposium, University of Stirling, June 2008
Elmer P (2008) What not to wear: embodied practices in public relations, NTFS conference, London, May 2008
Elmer P (2008) Exploring embodied practices: public relations education and the problem of complex social performance, CIM 08, Vol 2, pp 783-798, Istanbul University Press ISBN 978-975-404-834-6
Elmer P (2007) Unmanaging public relations, PR Review, Fall 2007
Elmer P (2007) Unmanaging public relations: Reclaiming complex practice in pursuit of global consent, BLEDCOM, Slovenia, July 2007
Elmer P (2007) Credible fictions; didactic and dialogic roles in public relations, Critical management Studies 5, University of Manchester, July 2007
Elmer P (2007) Public relations as storytelling: challenging normative theory,10th International Public Relations Research Conference, University of Miami, March 2007
Elmer P and Cai, L (2007) When PR worlds collide: a Chinese case study, 10th International Public Relations Research Conference, University of Miami, March 2007
Elmer P and Ferguson S (2005) ‘Blurred Boundaries, Sharp Focus: Learning how to be a consultant’ International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management.
Elmer P (2005) Constructing the public relations role, Journal of Media Practice, Autumn 2005
Elmer P (2001) Accounting for public relations: exploring radical approaches, Corporate Communications; an international journal March 2001
Elmer P (2000) Beyond professionalism: exploring a government model Corporate Communications; an international journal, December 2000