Dr Anastasiya Bezborodova

I joined the University of Westminster (LAS, School of Humanities) in 2019 to work on my PhD. In the final year of my studies, I started working as a PTVL in the MA TESOL department and CETI. I teach Academic English for Postgraduate Study, Materials Development, and Language and Learning: Description and Analysis modules for postgraduate students. I also teach Academic English for Disciplinary Study for first-year undergraduates.

I hold a BA degree in English Language Teaching (2010) and an MA in Linguistics (2015) from the Uzbek State World Language University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and an MA in TESOL (2014) from the Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, USA). I also obtained a University of Westminster-accredited PGCert (2016) in Teaching and Learning. Before moving to London to receive my PhD in Linguistics (University of Westminster, 2023), I worked as a lecturer and teacher trainer at Westminster International University in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) for over five years. 

My research interests primarily focus on English Medium Education and English Medium of Instruction in Central Asia, Sociolinguistics, and Teacher Training. 

I have undertaken primary research on English-medium Education in Central Asia.

 My publications include:

  •  British Council (Uzbekistan) English Medium Instruction Project Impact Evaluation (2022, with Andrew Linn)
  • Current practice in English-medium education in higher education: Case studies from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh and Nepal (2021, with Andrew Linn, Prithvi Shrestha, and Kristina Hultgren)

  • English in higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan (2021, with Saida Radjabzade)
  • Tolerance and Control. Developing a language policy for an EMI university in Uzbekistan (2020, with Andrew Linn and Saida Radjabzade)

  • Forum for Uzbek and Silk Road Studies

In brief

Research areas

English Medium Education, English Medium of Instruction, Teacher Training, Sociolinguistics and Academic English