Book review: Sanda Miller, Images on the Page: A Fashion Iconography2021
Fashion and Materiality: Cultural Practices in Global Contexts, ed. by Heike Jenss and Viola Hofmann2023
"We Must Hope That the Moderates with Their Quiet Attire Are the Rising Section": British Women Friends’ Relinquishment of Plain Dress2023
The Ladies Ulster in the 1870s and 1880s: From “Eccentric-Looking” to “Beau Ideal”2018
British Quaker Women's Fashionable Adaptation of their Plain Dress, 1860–19142016
Visibility and Invisibility2020
How waterproof were Ulsters? Analysing the waterproof claims of Ladies c 19th ulsters2019
As “a hedge, as a convenience, a good thing”: Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s continued fashioning of a Plain appearance2018
“It makes us cringe these days”: Killerton House National Trust and the alteration of Elizabeth Petipher Cash’s everyday Quaker bonnets2017
British Quaker Women’s abandonment of Plain Quaker attire, 1860-19142016
Negotiating Simplicity and Extravagance in Nineteenth Century Quaker Dress: Restraint and Excess in the Clothing Worn by Eleanor Stephens Clark and Helen Bright Clark of Street2019
Symposium Review: Reframing 19th-century Fashion and Dress Symposium2018
A Celebration of Plainness: Worthing Museum’s Quaker Wedding Bonnet, 18432018
Conference review: Restraint and Excess in Fashion: Costume Colloquium V, 16 – 20 November, 2016, Florence, Italy2017
Conference Review: From Quakers to Cowboys