A hybrid approach to cancer classification: rough sets and probabilistic neural networks

Gorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M., El-Darzi, E., Gorunescu, S., Revett, K. and Khan, A. 2005. A hybrid approach to cancer classification: rough sets and probabilistic neural networks. in: The First East European Conference on Health Care Modelling and Computation (HCMC 2005). Craiova, Romania, August 31st - September 2nd, 2005 Craiova, Romania Universitatea din Craiova. pp. 149-159

Chapter titleA hybrid approach to cancer classification: rough sets and probabilistic neural networks
AuthorsGorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M., El-Darzi, E., Gorunescu, S., Revett, K. and Khan, A.
Book titleThe First East European Conference on Health Care Modelling and Computation (HCMC 2005). Craiova, Romania, August 31st - September 2nd, 2005
Page range149-159
PublisherUniversitatea din Craiova
Publication dates
Place of publicationCraiova, Romania

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Applying data mining algorithms to inpatient dataset with missing values
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A machine learning approach to keystroke dynamics based user authentication
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Information technologies for the information agent
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Examination of the parameter space of a computational model of acute ischaemic stroke using rough sets
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Data mining an EEG dataset with an emphasis on dimensionality reduction
Jahankhani, P., Revett, K. and Kodogiannis, V. 2007. Data mining an EEG dataset with an emphasis on dimensionality reduction. in: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), 01-05 Apr 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 405-412

Digital anti forensics: tools and approaches
Jahankhani, H., Anastasios, B. and Revett, K. 2007. Digital anti forensics: tools and approaches. in: Remenyi, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Defence College of Management and Technology, Shrivenham, UK, 2-3 July 2007 Reading Academic Conferences. pp. 115-120

Extending the gaia methodology for the design and development of agent-based software systems
Huang, W., El-Darzi, E. and Jin, L. 2007. Extending the gaia methodology for the design and development of agent-based software systems. in: Proceedings of the 31st Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007), Peking (Beijing), China, July 23-27 2007 Los Alamitos, USA IEEE .

Keystroke dynamics - stepping forward in authentication
Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S., Revett, K. and Santos, H.M.D. 2006. Keystroke dynamics - stepping forward in authentication. GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering. 29 (1), pp. 113-119.

An OLAP-enabled software environment for modelling patient flow
Vasilakis, C., El-Darzi, E. and Chountas, P. 2006. An OLAP-enabled software environment for modelling patient flow. in: Proceedings of the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 261-266

Critical aspects in authentication graphic keys
Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S., Santos, H.M.D. and Revett, K. 2006. Critical aspects in authentication graphic keys. in: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Information Warfare and Security - 2006 Kidmore End, England Academic Conferences and Publishing International. pp. 212-217

Generation of authentication strings from graphic keys
Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S., Revett, K. and Santos, H.M.D. 2006. Generation of authentication strings from graphic keys. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 63, p. 38.

Enhancing login security through the use of keystroke input dynamics
Revett, K., Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S. and Santos, H.M.D. 2006. Enhancing login security through the use of keystroke input dynamics. in: Zhang, D. and Jain, A.K. (ed.) Advances in Biometrics: International Conference, ICB 2006, Hong Kong, China, January 5-7, 2006: Proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

Attribute selection for EEG signal classification using rough sets and neural networks
Revett, K., Szczuka, M., Jahankhani, P. and Kodogiannis, V. 2006. Attribute selection for EEG signal classification using rough sets and neural networks. in: Greco, S., Hata, Y., Hirano, S., Inuiguchi, M., Miyamoto, S., Nguyen, H.S. and Slowinski, R. (ed.) Rough sets and current trends in computing: 5th international conference, RSCTC 2006, Kobe, Japan, November 6-8, 2006: proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

Authenticating computer access based on keystroke dynamics using a probabilistic neural network
Revett, K., Gorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M., Ene, M., Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S. and Santos, H.M.D. 2006. Authenticating computer access based on keystroke dynamics using a probabilistic neural network. in: 2nd International Conference on Global E-Security, London, UK, 20-22 April 2006 (ICGeS-06) UNKNOWN. pp. 65-71

A machine learning approach to differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis
Revett, K., Gorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M. and Ene, M. 2006. A machine learning approach to differentiating bacterial from viral meningitis. in: IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff 2006 International Symposium on Modern Computing (JVA'06) Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 155-162

Healthcare data mining: predicting inpatient length of stay
Liu, P., Lei, L., Yin, J., Zhang, W., Naijun, W. and El-Darzi, E. 2006. Healthcare data mining: predicting inpatient length of stay. in: Proceedings of the 3rd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 832-837

EEG signal classification using wavelet feature extraction and neural networks
Jahankhani, P., Kodogiannis, V. and Revett, K. 2006. EEG signal classification using wavelet feature extraction and neural networks. in: JVA '06. IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff 2006 International Symposium on Modern Computing, 2006. Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 120-124

Agent-based models for community care systems analysis and design
Huang, W., El-Darzi, E., Chountas, P. and Liu, P. 2006. Agent-based models for community care systems analysis and design. in: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS-2006) Los Alamitos, USA IEEE . pp. 278-283

A neural computing-based approach for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma
Gorunescu, M., Gorunescu, F. and Revett, K. 2006. A neural computing-based approach for the early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma. International Journal of Biomedical Sciences. 1 (4), pp. 255-258.

Automatically building 2D statistical shapes using the topology preservation model GNG
Garcia Rodriguez, J., Angelopoulou, A., Psarrou, A. and Revett, K. 2006. Automatically building 2D statistical shapes using the topology preservation model GNG. in: Narayanan, P.J., Nayar, S.K. and Shum, H.Y. (ed.) Computer Vision ACCV 2006: 7th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Hyderabad, India, January 13-16, 2006: Proceedings, Part I Springer.

Length of stay-based patient flow models: recent developments and future directions
Marshall, A.H., Vasilakis, C. and El-Darzi, E. 2005. Length of stay-based patient flow models: recent developments and future directions. Health Care Management Science. 8 (3), pp. 213-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10729-005-2012-z

A rough set-based magnetic resonance imaging partial volume detection system
Widz, S., Revett, K. and Slezak, D. 2005. A rough set-based magnetic resonance imaging partial volume detection system. in: Pal, S.K., Bandyopadhyay, S. and Biswas, S. (ed.) Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: First International Conference, PReMI 2005, Kolkata, India, December 20-22, 2005: Proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

A hybrid approach to MR imaging segmentation using unsupervised clustering and approximate reducts
Widz, S., Revett, K. and Slezak, D. 2005. A hybrid approach to MR imaging segmentation using unsupervised clustering and approximate reducts. in: Slezak, D., Yao, J., Peters, J.F., Ziarko, W. and Hu, X. (ed.) Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing: 10th International Conference, RSFDGrC 2005, Regina, Canada, August 31 - September 3, 2005: Proceedings Springer Berlin, Germany.

Password secured sites: stepping forward with keystroke dynamics
Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S., Revett, K. and Santos, H.M.D. 2005. Password secured sites: stepping forward with keystroke dynamics. in: International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, 2005: NWeSP 2005 USA IEEE . pp. 293-298

Generalized net model with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of the process of obtaining of scientific titles and degrees
Shannon, A., Riecan, B., Langova-Orozova, D., El-Darzi, E., Kerre, E., Sotirova, E., Gorunescu, F., Petrounias, I., Trelewicz, J., Atanassov, K.T., Krawczak, M., Chountas, P., Melo-Pinto, P., Georgiev, P., Kim, T. and Tasseva, V. 2005. Generalized net model with intuitionistic fuzzy estimations of the process of obtaining of scientific titles and degrees. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 11, pp. 95-114.

DataMining a keystroke dynamics biometrics database using rough sets
Revett, K., Tenreiro de Magalhaes, S. and Santos, H.M.D. 2005. DataMining a keystroke dynamics biometrics database using rough sets. in: Cardoso, A., Bento, C. and Dias, G. (ed.) EPIA05: 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence New York, USA IEEE . pp. 188-191

A rough sets based breast cancer decision support system
Revett, K. and Khan, A. 2005. A rough sets based breast cancer decision support system. in: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS '05). June 20 - 23, 2005, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA CSREA Press. pp. 194-199

SOM based image pathology detection system
Revett, K. and Khan, A. 2005. SOM based image pathology detection system. in: Isai­as, P., Nunes, M.B. and Palma dos Reis, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2005), April 11 - 29, 2005 IADIS. pp. 213-216

Enhancing login security using keystroke hardening and keyboard gridding
Revett, K. and Khan, A. 2005. Enhancing login security using keystroke hardening and keyboard gridding. in: Isai­as, P., Nunes, M.B. and Palma dos Reis, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS 2005), April 11 - 29, 2005 IADIS. pp. 471-475

Classifying heart disease datasets using rough sets
Revett, K. and Khan, A. 2005. Classifying heart disease datasets using rough sets. in: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS '05). June 20 - 23, 2005, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA CSREA Press.

A breast cancer diagnosis system: a combined approach using rough sets and probabilistic neural networks
Revett, K., Gorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M., El-Darzi, E. and Ene, M. 2005. A breast cancer diagnosis system: a combined approach using rough sets and probabilistic neural networks. in: EUROCON 2005: the International Conference on "Computer as a Tool": Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 21-24 2005 London, UK IEEE .

Attribute extraction and classification using rough sets on a lymphoma dataset
Revett, K. and Aydin, N. 2005. Attribute extraction and classification using rough sets on a lymphoma dataset. in: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics: HIBIT'05, 10-12 Nov 2005, Antalya, Turkey HIBIT.

A rough sets based classifier for primary biliary cirrhosis
Revett, K. 2005. A rough sets based classifier for primary biliary cirrhosis. in: EUROCON 2005: The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool": Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 21-24 2005 USA IEEE .

A computational model of stroke-in-progression
Revett, K. 2005. A computational model of stroke-in-progression. 14th Annual Meeting of the Computational Neuroscience Society (CNS2005). Madison, USA 17-21 Jul 2005

A computational model of acute and delayed tissue damage resulting from ischemic stroke
Revett, K. 2005. A computational model of acute and delayed tissue damage resulting from ischemic stroke. Fourteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2005). Madison, USA 17-21 Jul 2005

Developing a keystroke dynamics based agent using rough sets
Revett, K. 2005. Developing a keystroke dynamics based agent using rough sets. in: 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Compiegne, France University of Compiegne.

Apoptosis as a mediator of delayed tissue damage in progressive stroke: a computational study
Revett, K. 2005. Apoptosis as a mediator of delayed tissue damage in progressive stroke: a computational study. in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISMB 2005), 25-29 Jun 2005, Detroit, USA. International Society for Computational Biology.

Intuitionistic fuzzy generalised nets in modelling web usage patterns indentification
Petrounias, I., Tseng, A., Chountas, P., El-Darzi, E. and Kontogiannis, V. 2005. Intuitionistic fuzzy generalised nets in modelling web usage patterns indentification. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 11 (4), pp. 123-129.

A feature selection procedure and its application in health care
Liu, P., El-Darzi, E., Vasilakis, C., Chountas, P., Huang, W. and Zhu, J. 2005. A feature selection procedure and its application in health care. Craiova Medical Journal.

An analysis of missing data treatment methods and their application to health care dataset
Liu, P., El-Darzi, E., Lei, L., Vasilakis, C., Chountas, P. and Huang, W. 2005. An analysis of missing data treatment methods and their application to health care dataset. in: Li, X., Wang, S. and Dong, Z.Y. (ed.) Advanced Data Mining and Applications: First International Conference, ADMA 2005, Wuhan, China, July 22-24, 2005: proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

Computational modelling of the gene expression profile from acute ischaemic brain injury
Kola, J. and Revett, K. 2005. Computational modelling of the gene expression profile from acute ischaemic brain injury. in: 2005 ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications USA IEEE .

Data mining a hepatitis dataset using rough sets
Khan, A. and Revett, K. 2005. Data mining a hepatitis dataset using rough sets. in: AIDC 2005: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Communications UNKNOWN. pp. 12-20

An automated anomaly EEG detection algorithm using discrete wavelet transforms
Jahankhani, P., Revett, K., Spackman, L., Kodogiannis, V. and Boyd, S. 2005. An automated anomaly EEG detection algorithm using discrete wavelet transforms. in: Prasad, B. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pune, India, December 20-22, 2005 (IICAI 05) IICAI. pp. 2679-2685

Detecting clinically relevant EEG anomalies using discrete wavelet transforms
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Automatic detection Of EEG abnormalities using wavelet transformations
Jahankhani, P., Revett, K. and Kontogiannis, V. 2005. Automatic detection Of EEG abnormalities using wavelet transformations. WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing. 1 (1), pp. 55-60.

A heuristic approach in hepatic cancer diagnosis using a probabilistic neural network-based model
Gorunescu, M., Gorunescu, F., Ene, M. and El-Darzi, E. 2005. A heuristic approach in hepatic cancer diagnosis using a probabilistic neural network-based model. in: Janssen, J. and Lenca, P. (ed.) Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis Brest, France ENST Bretagne. pp. 1016-1025

An evolutionary computational approach to probabilistic neural network with application to hepatic cancer diagnosis
Gorunescu, F., Gorunescu, M., El-Darzi, E. and Gorunescu, S. 2005. An evolutionary computational approach to probabilistic neural network with application to hepatic cancer diagnosis. in: Tsymbal, A. and Cunningham, P. (ed.) 18th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2005: proceedings USA IEEE . pp. 461-466

Representation of factual and temporal unawareness in electronic patient records
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., El-Darzi, E. and Kontogiannis, V. 2005. Representation of factual and temporal unawareness in electronic patient records. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering. 5 (4), pp. 243-261.

Animal toxins: what features differentiate pore blockers from gate modifiers
Bhogal, S. and Revett, K. 2005. Animal toxins: what features differentiate pore blockers from gate modifiers. in: 2005 ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications USA IEEE .

Verification of data in staging schema, mapping between source tables and materialized views
Ahmed, E. and Revett, K. 2005. Verification of data in staging schema, mapping between source tables and materialized views. in: Cardoso, A., Bento, C. and Dias, G. (ed.) EPIA05: 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence IEEE . pp. 200-204

A data warehouse environment for storing and analyzing simulation output data
Vasilakis, C., El-Darzi, E. and Chountas, P. 2004. A data warehouse environment for storing and analyzing simulation output data. in: Ingalls, R.G., Rossetti, M.D., Smith, J.S. and Peters, B.A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference USA IEEE .

Comparative analysis of data mining algorithms for predicting inpatient length of stay
Liu, P., El-Darzi, E., Vasilakis, C., Chountas, P., Huang, W. and Lei, L. 2004. Comparative analysis of data mining algorithms for predicting inpatient length of stay. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems 2004. Bangkok, Thailand 07-10 Jul 2005

Developing an agent oriented emergency service system with AUML and gaia methodology
Huang, W., El-Darzi, E. and Beer, M.D. 2004. Developing an agent oriented emergency service system with AUML and gaia methodology. in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies (CCCT '04), University of Texas, U.S.A, August 14-17, 2004 USA IEEE . pp. 244-252

On uncertainty and data-warehouse design
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., Vasilakis, C., Tseng, A., El-Darzi, E., Atanassov, K.T. and Kodogiannis, V. 2004. On uncertainty and data-warehouse design. in: Yakhno, T. (ed.) Advances in Information Systems: Third International Conference, ADVIS 2004, Izmir, Turkey, October 20-22, 2004: proceedings Berlin, Germany Springer.

Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., Vasilakis, C., El-Darzi, E., Tseng, A., Kolev, B., Kontogiannis, V. and Georgiev, P. 2004. Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses. Notes in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 10 (4), pp. 47-55.

Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., Vasilakis, C. and El-Darzi, E. 2004. Temporality and intuitionistic fuzzy data warehouses. Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets. 10 (4), pp. 47-55.

Data cube modelling and OLAP algebra for hospital length of stay analysis
Vasilakis, C., El-Darzi, E. and Chountas, P. 2003. Data cube modelling and OLAP algebra for hospital length of stay analysis. Craiova Medicala Journal: Proceedings of The 1st MEDINF International Conference on Medical Informatics & Engineering. 5 (3), pp. 509-512.

Representation and modelling of electronic patient records
Sivagurunathan, K., Chountas, P. and El-Darzi, E. 2003. Representation and modelling of electronic patient records. in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2003 (ICCMSE 2003): Kastoria, Greece, September 12-16 New Jersey, USA World Scientific Publishing. pp. 598-603

Data warehouses-TOLAP-decision making
Chountas, P., Vasilakis, C., El-Darzi, E., Petrounias, I. and Tseng, A. 2003. Data warehouses-TOLAP-decision making. in: IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2003 USA IEEE .

Using a queueing model to help plan bed allocation in a department of geriatric medicine
Gorunescu, F., McClean, S.I. and Millard, P.H. 2002. Using a queueing model to help plan bed allocation in a department of geriatric medicine. Health Care Management Science. 5 (4), pp. 307-312. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1020342509099

A queueing model for bed-occupancy management and planning of hospitals
Gorunescu, F., McClean, S.I. and Millard, P.H. 2002. A queueing model for bed-occupancy management and planning of hospitals. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 53 (1), pp. 19-24.

Representation of temporal unawareness
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., Atanassov, K.T., Kodogiannis, V. and El-Darzi, E. 2002. Representation of temporal unawareness. in: Yakhno, T. (ed.) Advances in Information Systems: Second International Conference, ADVIS 2002, Izmir, Turkey, October 23-25 London, UK Springer.

Representation and querying of temporal conflict
Chountas, P., Petrounias, I., Atanassov, K.T., Kodogiannis, V. and El-Darzi, E. 2002. Representation and querying of temporal conflict. in: Troels, A. (ed.) Flexible query answering systems: 5th International Conference, FQAS 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 2002 London, UK Springer.

A simulation study of the winter bed crisis
Vasilakis, C. and El-Darzi, E. 2001. A simulation study of the winter bed crisis. Health Care Management Science. 4 (1), pp. 31-36. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009649615548

The LH5 model for data mining
El-Darzi, E. and Parapadakis, D. 2001. The LH5 model for data mining. First International Conference of Electronic Business. Hong Kong 19-21 Dec 2001 pp. 467-478

Editorial: Modelling the process of care
Chaussalet, T.J. and El-Darzi, E. 2001. Editorial: Modelling the process of care. Health Care Management Science. 4 (1), p. 5. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009659711914

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