How To Speak the Truth on Social media: An Inquiry into Post-Dialectical Information Environments

Bunz, M. 2016. How To Speak the Truth on Social media: An Inquiry into Post-Dialectical Information Environments. in: Bruns, A., Enli, G., Skogerbo, E., Larsson, A.O. and Christensen, C. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics New York Routledge. pp. 137-150

Chapter titleHow To Speak the Truth on Social media: An Inquiry into Post-Dialectical Information Environments
AuthorsBunz, M.
EditorsBruns, A.
Enli, G.
Skogerbo, E.
Larsson, A.O.
Christensen, C.

When the first Independent Media Centers (“Indymedia”) were founded in 1999, their participatory online platforms based on open source technology were meant to be a powerful alternative voice for 'counterpublics'. With the successful rise of social media, however, participatory media became the general mode of communication. With this, the information landscape changed: participatory media suddenly wasn’t a position of essential otherness anymore. This chapter is looking into “How to speak the truth” in a post-dialectical information environment by analysing two media acts in the context of the 2014 riots in #Ferguson, U.S. after the police killing of teenager Michael Brown: the Twitter usage by Democratic alderman @Antonio French, and the rise of the hashtag #iftheygunmedown.

Keywordssocial media, protest, counterpublic, participation, Foucault, media
Book titleThe Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics
Page range137-150
Publication dates
Place of publicationNew York
Web address (URL)

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