Artificial intelligence and the internet of things: opportunities and challenges for UK’s policy makers

Bunz, M. and Janciute, L. 2017. Artificial intelligence and the internet of things: opportunities and challenges for UK’s policy makers. London Communications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster.

TitleArtificial intelligence and the internet of things: opportunities and challenges for UK’s policy makers
AuthorsBunz, M. and Janciute, L.
TypeDiscussion paper

Ground-breaking data driven products and services from the fields of artificial intelligence [AI] and the internet of things as they are already in use have been evaluated in this thorough case study. Its clear outcome: informed by algorithms and/or AI, objects and services perform new skills they did not have before, such as to speak, to see, and to track, and to process gathered information for making autonomous decisions. Due to gathering those skills, opportunities and challenges arise in areas from transport to medical care to communication. An impact on jobs and workforces is likely. Delivering an overview over international policy approaches and current debates, this policy brief proposes the following recommendations: active investment into AI and the internet of things, ensuring liability in grey areas to provide stability for businesses, preparing citizens and the workforce for AI, the creation of large public databases to foster AI, and last but not least the creation of a standing body auditing AI.

Keywordspolicy, algorithms, digital media, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence
PublisherCommunications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), University of Westminster
Place of publicationLondon
Page range12

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