Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence

Bunz, M. 2017. Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. UK Parliament.

Title Submission to House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence
AuthorsBunz, M.
TypeTechnical report

AI creates a new data paradigm. To advance this kind of AI, the role of government can make quite a difference. By processing data AI programs create knowledge i.e. they take over knowledge tasks and even make decisions. To develop and train this kind of AI, large amounts of data are needed in sufficient size and quality. For the creation of this data, the decisions of government are vital. Policy initiatives should: A) ensure that the UK has a strategy for the creation of big datasets in high quality; B) identify sectors in which the creation of those datasets is especially desirable; C) create incentives for businesses to open and share their datasets; D) foster data sovereignty to minimise UK’s algorithmic dependence on U.S. products.

KeywordsArtificial Intelligence, Big Data, Public Service, Public Interest, Policy
PublisherUK Parliament
Web address (URL)

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