The Internet of Things

Bunz, M. and Meikle, G. 2018. The Internet of Things. Cambridge Polity Press.

TitleThe Internet of Things
AuthorsBunz, M. and Meikle, G.

More objects and devices are connected to digital networks than ever before. Things – from your phone to your car, from the heating to the lights in your house – have gathered the ability to sense their environments and create information about what is happening.
Things have become media, able both to generate and communicate information.

Mercedes Bunz and Graham Meikle discuss the internet of things' promises of convenience and the breaking of new frontiers in communication. They also raise urgent questions regarding ubiquitous surveillance, networked sensors, and artificial intelligence, as well as the transformation of intimate personal information into commercial data.

KeywordsInternet of things, technology, digital media, artificial intelligence, networks
PublisherPolity Press
Publication dates
Published03 Nov 2017
Published in print2018
Place of publicationCambridge
Web address (URL)

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