Perceptions of the policing and crime mapping ‘Trailblazers’, Home Office Research Report 67

Ray, K., Davidson, R., Husain, F., Vegeris, S., Vowden, K. and Karn, J. 2012. Perceptions of the policing and crime mapping ‘Trailblazers’, Home Office Research Report 67. London Home Office.

TitlePerceptions of the policing and crime mapping ‘Trailblazers’, Home Office Research Report 67
AuthorsRay, K., Davidson, R., Husain, F., Vegeris, S., Vowden, K. and Karn, J.

The research involved interviews with key staff involved and focus groups with members of the public to explore their views and opinions on the initiatives.

The research highlights considerable public curiosity, and to an extent an appetite, for crime and criminal justice information. However a key message from the research was that providing more information should not be an end in itself. Information needs to be relevant, useable, of high quality and tailored to suit its purpose, whether that is crime prevention or holding the police to account.

PublisherHome Office
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
PublishedOct 2012
Web address (URL)

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